Creating, editing, and viewing assets

The first icons in the Manage Assets toolbar are used for creating, editing, and viewing assets. The types of assets you can create are:
  • Text

  • Image

  • Condition

  • List

  • Layout

  • Fragment Layout

  • Letter Template

Creating assets

To create an asset, select the New drop-down list to launch the asset editor appropriate to the asset you are creating.

Manage Assets New drop down list

Editing asset properties

To edit the properties for any asset, select the asset from the list and click the Edit button. The Editor dialog box for that asset is displayed to allow you to change any of the asset’s properties. While you are editing an asset, its status changes to Modified.

Changing the data dictionary

When editing an asset, you can change the data dictionary associated with the asset if:

  • the asset does not use a data dictionary element

  • the same data dictionary is not being used by any of the asset to which it refers

Viewing assets

To view the properties for any asset, select the asset from the list and click the View button. The Editor dialog box for that asset is displayed, but you cannot change any of the asset’s properties.

Viewing asset properties for a previous version

To view the properties for any asset, select the asset from the list and click the View Previous button. The Editor dialog box for that asset is displayed, but you cannot change any of the asset’s properties.

Duplicating an asset

To create a copy of an asset, select it and then click the Duplicate icon. A new pane opens to prompt you to enter the properties for the new asset. For example, if you copy a letter, the New Letter Template window pane opens requiring you to provide a new unique name for the asset.

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