When a layout is complete, you can upload it to the Correspondence Management
system so that it can then be used to create correspondence templates.
The layout is stored in Contentspace. It appears in the Manage Assets user
interface as a modified asset. Use the Publish icon to publish
it before you can use it as a letter template.
Upload a layout to the Correspondence Management system
Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have
installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to
the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html.
Log in using your appropriate credentials (such as user name as
tgoldman and password as your password).
Click New > Layout or select a layout asset
and click Edit.
Specify the following information for the layout:
Name: Name that appears in the list in the Manage
Assets user interface.
Description: Description that appears in the list
in the Manage Assets user interface.
Category: Select a category for the layout. The system
administrator defines the categories.
Subcategory: select a subcategory for the layout.
The system administrator defines the subcategories.
Comment: Comment that appears in the list in the Manage
Assets user interface.
Layout: Click the folder icon to browse and select
the layout file.