Working with lists

A list is a group of related content that can be used in a letter template as a single unit. Any kind of content can be added to a list. Lists can also be nested. List modules can be specified as:
  • ORDERED: The order cannot be changed in the Create Correspondence runtime.

  • OPEN: Users can change the order, or add modules to the list

When creating a list, you can specify a type, such as:
  • Plain: No additional style formatting is applied to the list.

  • Bulleted: A list formatted with a simple bullet.

  • Numbered: A numeric list with the choice of Standard (1,2,...), Upper Roman (I, II, ...) and Lower Roman (i, ii,...) numerals.

  • Lettered: An alphabetical list with the choice of lowercase (a,b,...) and uppercase (A,B,...) letters.

  • Custom: You can create any Numbered/Lettered type and prefix and suffix values of your choice.

Create a list

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html Log in using your appropriate credentials (such as user name as tgoldman and password as your password).

  2. Click New > List or select a list asset and click Edit.

  3. Specify the following information for the list:

    • Name: Type a unique name for the list asset. No two assets (text, image, condition, or list) can have the same name.

    • Description: Type a description of the asset.

    • Category: Select a category for the list. The System Administrator defines the categories.

    • Subcategory: Select a subcategory for the list. The System Administrator defines the subcategories.

    • Data Dictionary: Select the data dictionary to which to connect. Only assets that use the same data dictionary as the letter, or assets that have no data dictionary assigned, can be selected. Assigning a data dictionary to a list makes it easier for the person creating a letter template to find the appropriate list.

    • Comment: Enter an optional comment. If you are editing an existing asset, you can use this box to indicate the reason for the edit.

  4. Click OK.

  5. You can create new assets or select existing ones. The Content Library pane on the right lists all of the existing resources available. You can filter the resources you need by selecting the appropriate filter (text, image, list, or condition). If no filter is selected, then all resources are displayed. You can also search using the basic and advance search features.

    View full size graphic
    Sample List of Resources
  6. To add an asset to the list, select it in the Resource pane and click Insert.

  7. The asset is added to the List Items pane.

  8. To change the order of the assets within the list, select an asset in the List Assembly pane and use the arrows to move the asset. When the user opens a letter template in the Create Correspondence user interface, the content is assembled in the order you defined here.

  9. The user can select assets from the Content Library by clicking the Library Access button.

  10. To lock the order of the assets in the list so that the Claims Adjustor cannot change the order, click Lock Order. If you do not select this option, the Claims Adjustor can change the order of the list items.

  11. You can select the following options to specify how each asset in the list behaves at runtime:
    • Editable: When this option is selected, the content can be edited in Create Correspondence user interface.

    • Mandatory: When this option is selected, the content is required in Create Correspondence user interface.

    • Preselected: When this option is selected, the content is preselected in Create Correspondence user interface.

    • Skip bullets and numbering: When this option is selected, the content skips bullets and numbering in Create Correspondence user interface.

    • Indentation: You can change the indentation level of each module/content selected as part of the List. Indentation is specified in terms of Levels (starting with zero), such that each level of indent corresponds to a padding of 36pts.

    • Compound: When selected, the compound numbering is applied as a combination of the outer(parent) List's style and it's own style. The compound numbering on this nested List is based on the order in which this nested List appears in the outer List.

    • Ignore list style: If the Compound Numbering option is deselected, then the option to Ignore List Style is enabled. This selection ignores the nested List's own style and the numbering continues from the outer List. Therefore the modules of the nested list are treated as part of the outer list itself, disregarding any styles specified on the nested List. If the Ignore List Style option is deselected for a nested List, the modules that are part of that nested List have their own numbering style.

    To allow the Claims Adjustor to search for and add more content into the list, select the Library Access button. If you do not select this option, the Claims Adjustor is limited to the content you have defined for the list.

  12. Click Done.

Styling with bullets and indentation in List Modules

The List Module in the Correspondence Management Solution provides the capability to define and group one or more Text/Image/Condition/List modules. The set of modules that are selected as part of a List appear in the final PDF document in the order in which they are selected in the List. The types of lists you can create are:

  • Plain: no style.

  • Bulleted: using the bullet character.

  • Numbered: using a choice of standard numerals, as well as both uppercase and lowercase roman numerals.

  • Lettered: using a choice of both uppercase and lowercase letters.

  • Custom: any Numbered/Lettered type and prefix and suffix values.

You can specify indentation on each module/content selected as part of the List (and Target). Indentation is specified in terms of Levels (defaults and starts with zero), and each level of indent corresponds to a padding of 36pts.

You can specify an indentation on a nested List module that is selected as part of a target/list. All modules within that List are indented to the given level of indentation. If an indent is specified both on the nested list and individual modules (within that nested list), then the overall indentation applied on a module would be the indentation on the list, plus the indentation on the module.

When including a List within another numbered List, the numbering across the modules of that nested list can be specified as compound numbering such as the format 1.1., 1.2.,.. or 1.a., 1.b.,... and so on. If the nested condition does not return a list, then the compound numbering selection is ignored. The selection of 'Skip Style', 'Compound Numbering' and 'Ignore Style' is dependent on each other. The 'Skip Style' can only be selected when 'Compound Numbering' and 'Ignore Style' are deselected. The 'Compound Numbering' can only be selected when 'Skip Style' and 'Ignore style' are deselected and 'Ignore Style' can only be selected when 'Skip Style' and 'Compound Numbering' are deselected. You can ignore the nested list's style and the numbering continues from the outer list as if the modules of the nested list were part of the outer list. If the Ignore List Style option is also deselected for a nested List, the modules that are part of that nested List would simply have their own numbering style. The compound numbering on the nested list is based on the order where the nested List appears in the outer list. For example, if the nested list appears next to a Text Module which is the second Text module in the outer list's selected content, then the numbering applied on its module's would be of the form 2.a., 2.b.,... Similar rules apply for other styling combination. When including a (nested) 'Plain/Bulleted' List with compound numbering selected, the compound numbering style is applied as per the outer list's style. For example, if the outer List has a style of 1, 2, 3.., the numbering on the nested List would be 1.1., 1.2... If the outer List has a style of A, B, C.. the numbering on the nested List would be A.A.., A.B...., and so on.

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