Working with fragment layouts

Once a layout is selected for a letter, it is not possible to change components in the layout. This restriction limits their reuse and requires the creation of several layouts for letters with only slight differences. However, using fragments which are bound to target areas allows the letter to be changed at the time of authoring. Fragments with different dimensions can be created and the appropriate fragment can be bound to the target area. Fragment layouts also allow you to customize some of the table properties:
  1. You can increase the row and column count.

  2. You can specify the header and footer text for additional rows and columns.

  3. You can define the ratio of table column width. At runtime table columns are resized according to the defined ratio and available space.

  4. If a table is a place holder (contains only single blank cell), you can define the type (target area/field) of new columns.

  5. You can hide header and footer rows.

Before performing this procedure, create an XFA fragment using LiveCycle Designer. The fragment can contain tables for organizing fields and target areas. LiveCycle Designer allows creation of two types of tables: static and dynamic. Static tables contain a fixed number of rows. Static tables can contain target areas and fields. These target area and fields cannot be bound to repeating DDEs. The data bound to table cells determines the number of rows for dynamic tables. A dynamic table can contain only fields and these fields can be bound to only DDEs. DDEs can be repeating or non-repeating.

Consider the following points when designing tables:
  1. Tables can be customized at the time of fragment layout creation. However customize option is enabled only when table's parent subform is flowed.

  2. For dynamic tables all the fields, repeatable row and table use "use name" binding for data to merge properly.

  3. For dynamic tables, all the repeating DDEs bound to the table fields are part of same hierarchy. For non-repeating DDEs, there is no such restriction.

  4. At the time of merging fragment layout into parent target area tables are resized according to available space, however resizing takes place only when fragment layout does not contain any target area or field directly inside top-level subform. Target area and fields inside table are permitted.

  5. You can create place holder tables. Place holder tables have only a single blank cell. For placeholder tables, you can customize following properties at the time of fragment creation:

    • row count

    • column count

    • header and footer for each column

    • type (target area/field) of each columns

    • width ratio for each column

    For a non-placeholder table, you can customize following properties:

    • row count

    • column count

    • header and footer for additional column

    • width ratio for each column

  6. You can nest fragments in a letter. This implies that you can add a fragment within a fragment.

    The Correspondence Management solution supports up to four levels of nesting within a letter:


Upload a fragment layout to the Correspondence Management system

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html Log in using your appropriate credentials (such as user name as tgoldman and password as your password).

  2. Click New > Fragment Layout or select a fragment layout asset and click Edit.

  3. Specify the following information for the layout:

    • Name: Name that appears in the list in the Manage Assets user interface.

    • Description: Description that appears in the list in the Manage Assets user interface.

    • Category: Select a category for the layout. The System Administrator defines the categories.

    • Subcategory: select a subcategory for the layout. The System Administrator defines the subcategories.

    • Fragment File: Click the folder icon to browse and select the fragment layout file. When assigned to a target area in a letter template the fragment layout’s target areas are added to the list of target areas in the left pane of the letter editor.

    • Comment: Comment that appears in the list in the Manage Assets user interface.

    View full size graphic
    New Fragment Layout Window - General Tab
    Note: The table tab is enabled if the Fragment layout contains at least one table and the Fragment layout’s root subform is flowed.
  4. Click the Table tab and specify the following information for the layout:

    • Configuration for: Select the table being configured. If the fragment layout contains single table, the drop-down is disabled.

    • Static or Dynamic: This option is enabled only for place holder tables (table containing single cell). For non-placeholder tables, this field reflects the existing table's type, which cannot be changed. For dynamic tables the Columns property is disabled and its value is Field

    • Rows: select the number of rows for the layout. The configured row count must be greater than or equal to the original row count.

    • Columns: select the number of columns for the layout. The configured column count must be greater than or equal to the original column count.

    • Header and Footer: These check boxes are enabled if existing tables have header/footers. Deselect these check boxes to hide header/footer.

    For each column following details are required:
    • Header: text to show for the header

    • Footer: text to show for the footer

    • Type: type of additional column. Field or Target Area. Type is enabled for static place holder tables. Type can be defined at column level and not at cell level. All the cells in an extended column would be of the same type. For a dynamic table, all the columns are of Field type. For non-placeholder tables, you cannot define the type of additional columns. In this case, type of additional cells in extended column is same as the type of last column in that row; and type of cell in additional row is same as type of last cell in that column.

    • Width ratio: ratio of the table column widths.

  5. Click OK.

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