Working with letter templates

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html. Log in using your appropriate credentials (such as user name as tgoldman and password as your password).

  2. Click New > Letter Template or select a letter template asset and click Edit.

  3. Specify the following information for the letter template:

    • Name: type a unique name for the letter template.

    • Description: type a description of the letter template.

    • Category: Select a category for the letter template. The System Administrator defines the categories.

    • Subcategory: select a subcategory for the letter template. The System Administrator defines the subcategories.

    • Layout: select the layout for the letter template.

    • Data Dictionary: select the data dictionary to which to connect. Only assets that use the same data dictionary as the letter, or assets that have no data dictionary assigned, can be selected.

    • Comment: enter an optional comment. If you are editing an existing asset, you can use this box to indicate the reason for the edit.

    • Sample Data: Click the open icon to select an XML file containing the sample data which to populate the letter.

    • Postprocess: select a postprocess to be applied to the letter template.

    Note: if the root node of XML supplied to a letter is substring of the following Strings: xfa, data sets, or data, the PDF will not display in Create Correspondence user interface.
  4. Click OK.

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