Working with categories

Before creating assets, create categories and subcategories that you assign to assets.

The Categories editor includes a subset of the tools listed in the Manage Assets toolbar, specifically:
  • New

  • Edit

  • View

  • Revert

  • View Dependencies

To create a Category:

  1. Open the Manage Assets user interface.

    If you have installed the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html. Log in using tgoldman as your user name and password as your password, then under Customer Communications click Correspondence Management.

  2. Click Admin, and then click Categories.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the New Category window, specify the following information for the layout:

    • Category Name: Name of the category. The name must be unique, however categories and subcategories can have the same name.

    • Category Type: Select either Category or Subcategory.

    New Category Window
  5. Click OK.

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