A data dictionary is an independent representation of metadata
that describes underlying data structures and their associated attributes.
A data dictionary is created using business vocabulary. It can be
mapped to one or more underlying data models
The Data Dictionaries editor includes a subset of the tools listed
in the Manage Assets toolbar, specifically:
Make ready to publish
To create a Data Dictionary:
Open the Manage Assets user interface. If you have installed
the solution template and sample users, you can go to the sample
portal at http://<server>:<port>/lc/cm/manageassets.html.
Log in using tgoldman as your user name and password as your password.
Click Admin, the click the Dictionary tab, then click New,
then select Data Dictionary. The Data Dictionary Editor appears.
In the Properties pane, specify the following information:
Name: The unique name for the data dictionary.
Display Name: (Optional) Prepopulated with
the text you entered in the Name box. You can change the default
display name to a more user-friendly display name.
Description: (Optional) Description of the data dictionary.
ID: (Optional) A unique identifier that cannot be
changed once created.
Extended Properties: (Optional) Click the plus sign
to specify metadata attributes for your data dictionary. In the
Property Name column, enter a unique property name. In the Value
column, enter a value to associate with the property.
On the Services tab, specify the following information:
Note: The
Services tab has not been implemented in this release.
Service Name: (Optional) The name for the service.
Display Name: (Optional) The Endpoint.
Destination: (Optional) The Destination.
Operation Name: (Optional) The operation name.
Operation Properties: (Optional) Click the plus sign
to specify operation parameters for your data dictionary. In the
Name column, enter a unique property name. In the Type column, enter
a data type to associate with the property. In the Description column,
enter a description for this parameter.
Click the Definition tab.
(Optional) To import an XSD schema definition for your data
dictionary, under the Data Dictionary Structure pane, click the
XSD icon. Browse to XSD file, select it, and click Open.
(Optional) You can add element by selecting an option from
the New Element list in the Data Dictionary Structure pane. Select
either Composite Element, Collection Element or Primitive Element.
The cursor moves to the Name field in the Field and Variable List
pane. Enter all of the required properties for the new element.
Only the Name, Reference Name and Element Type properties are required.
You can repeat this step as often as necessary.
(Optional) You can remove any element by selecting it and
clicking the Remove Selected Data Dictionary Element icon.
(Optional) Select an element in the Data Dictionary Structure
pane, and in the Field and Variable List panel. Change, or add any
required attributes associated to the element.