Enable or disable privacy notification

You can enable and disable a privacy notification message. When you enable privacy notification, a message appears when a recipient attempts to open a policy-protected document. The notice informs the user that the document usage is being audited. You can also specify a URL that the user can use to view your privacy policy page if one is available.

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Rights Management 11 > Configuration > Audit and Privacy Settings.

  2. To configure the privacy notification, under Enable Privacy Notice, select Yes or No.

    If the policy attached to a document allows anonymous user access and Enable Privacy Notice is set to No, the user is not prompted to log in and the privacy notification message is not displayed.

    If the policy attached to a document does not allow anonymous user access, the user will see the privacy notification message.

  3. If applicable, in the Privacy URL box, type the URL to your privacy policy page. If the Privacy URL box is left blank, the privacy page from adobe.com is displayed.

  4. Click OK.

Note: Disabling the privacy notice does not disable document usage auditing. Out of the box auditing actions and custom actions supported via extended usage tracking can still collect user behavior information.

Legal Notices | Online Privacy Policy

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