Manually editing the Rights Management configuration file

You can import and export the configuration information that is stored in the Rights Management database. For example, you may want to make a backup copy of the configuration information when you move from a staging to a production environment, or you may want to edit advanced options that can only be configured be editing this file.

You can make the following changes using the configuration file:

Display CATIA permissions when creating and editing policies

Specify a timeout period for offline synchronization

Denying Rights Management services for specific applications

Change the watermark configuration parameters

Disabling external links

Important: Importing the configuration file reconfigures your system based on the information in the file. The exceptions are dynamic watermark configuration and custom events information, which are not saved with the exported configuration file. You must configure this information manually in your new system. Only a system administrator or a professional services consultant who is familiar with Rights Management and XML should modify the content of a configuration file, such as to reconfigure a corrupted setting or to tune parameters for a particular enterprise deployment scenario.

Export a configuration file

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Rights Management 11 > Configuration > Manual Configuration.

  2. Click Export and save the configuration file in another location. The default filename is config.xml.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Before changing the configuration file, make a backup copy in case you need to revert.

Import a configuration file

  1. In Administration Console, click Services > LiveCycle Rights Management 11 > Configuration > Manual Configuration.

  2. Click Browse to go to the configuration file and then click Import. You cannot type the path directly in the File Name box.

  3. Click OK.

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