Disable SOAP endpoints for LiveCycle Rights Management documents

The following changes to the config.xml todisable SOAP endpoints for LiveCycle Rights Management documents.

  1. Export the Rights Management configuration file. (See Manually editing the Rights Management configuration file.)

  2. Open the configuration file in an editor and locate the following node:
    <node name="DRM">
  3. In the DRM node, locate the entry node:

    <entry key="AllowUnencryptedVoucher" value="true"/>

  4. To disable SOAP endpoints for LiveCycle Rights Management documents, set the value attribute to false.

    <node name="DRM"> 
            <entry key="AllowUnencryptedVoucher" value="false"/> 
  5. Save the config.xml.

  6. Import the configuration file. (See Manually editing the Rights Management configuration file.)

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