Change the watermark configuration parameters

By default, you can specify a maximum of five elements in a watermark. Also, the maximum file size of the PDF document that you want to use as watermark is limited to 100KB. You can change these parameters in the config.xml file.
Note: You should change these parameters with caution.
  1. Export the Rights Management configuration file. (See Manually editing the Rights Management configuration file.)

  2. Open the configuration file in an editor and locate the ServerSettings node.

  3. In the ServerSettings node, add the following entries and then save the file:
    <entry key="maximumSizeOfWatermarkElement" value="max filesize in KB"/> 
    <entry key="maximumWatermarkElementsPerWatermark" value="max elements"/> 

    The first entry, max file size is the maximum file size (in KB) that is allowed for a PDF watermark element. Default is 100KB.

    The second entry, max elements is the maximum number of elements that is allowed in a watermark. Default is 5.

  4. Import the configuration file. (See Manually editing the Rights Management configuration file.)

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