The Unchangeable Advanced Settings area contains the following
settings. You cannot change these settings after you save the policy.
Encryption Algorithm and Key Length:
Used to protect your documents. You can choose from these
AES 128-bit
AES 256-bit. Only Acrobat 9.0 and later supports this option.
To use AES 256 encryption for PDF files, obtain and install the
Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction
Policy files. These files replace the local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar
files in the [JAVE_HOME]/lib/security folder. For example, if you
are using Sun JDK 1.6, copy the downloaded files to the [dep root]/Java/jdk1.6.0_26/lib/security
folder. You can download these files from Java SE Downloads.
No encryption. Acrobat 9.0 and later currently support this
option. If you select this option, the Document Restrictions options
are disabled. This option may be useful if you want to use Rights
Management for document auditing or version control but to not want
to encrypt the document.
Document Restrictions:
Select the PDF document components to encrypt. Other client
applications encrypt the entire document but not linked or embedded
files. You can choose from these options:
The entire
document, including its attachments and metadata. Metadata is information
about the document and its content that you can view through the
document Properties dialog box or the Acrobat Advanced menu. In Acrobat,
you can attach files of different types (for example, text, audio,
and video files) to PDF documents.
The document and its attachments but not the metadata.
The document attachments only. You can encrypt the attachments
to a PDF file without encrypting the document content.