Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex

LiveCycle ES3 Product Sample

Overview of the sample
Prerequisites for the sample
Files needed for the sample
Deploying the sample

Configuring the sample
Running the sample
Next steps
Legal disclaimer

Overview of the sample

This sample demonstrates a mortgage application submitted for approval using Flex. Adobe® LiveCycle® Enterprise Suite 3 (ES3) process routes a submitted application to a Loan Approver or a Manager depending on the amount of monthly mortgage payment . Amount greater than $2,000 defaults to Manager.

The following illustrates the workflow for this sample:

application flow

  1. The mortgage applicant (Akira Tanaka, username=atanaka) logs in the workspace and submits a mortgage application.
  2. If the monthly payment is less than 2000, the application is routed to the Loan Approver (John Jacobs, username=jjacobs) for approval.
  3. If the monthly payment is 2000 or more, the application is routed to the Manager (Sara Rose, username=srose) for approval.
  4. The Loan Approver or the Manager approves or rejects the application, and the decision is written to a text file on the server.

This sample uses Adobe® LiveCycle® Process Management 10 and Flex Builder™ modules as follows:

Prerequisites for the sample

  1. Deploy and run the Sample Setup Utility.

Files needed for the sample

File name Description
Adobe-Samples-Application-SimpleMortgageLoan-Flex.lca The LiveCycle ES3 archive for this sample

Deploying the sample

Tip: To deploy multiple samples, use the Samples Deploy Utility.

Note: These instructions assume that LiveCycle ES3 is installed on the C: drive on Microsoft Windows. If you have installed to a different location, substitute the directory where you installed LiveCycle ES3.

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Application Management.
  3. Click the LiveCycle Applications(9.x) tab and click Import.
  4. Click Browse to locate the sample LiveCycle ES3 archive (LCA) file Adobe-Samples-Application-SimpleMortgageLoan-Flex.lca, and then click Preview.
  5. Select Deploy assets to runtime when import is complete and click Import.

Configuring the sample

To add the INVOKE principal to LiveCycle users. These steps apply the INVOKE principal to all users that have not been assigned the Application Administrator role for this sample:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.
  3. In the Category drop down list, select Samples - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex and click Filter button. The service list refreshes and only displays the Samples - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex/Processes/Simple Mortgage Loan - Flex: 1.0.
  4. Click Samples - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex/Processes/Simple Mortgage Loan - Flex: 1.0 and then click the Security tab. From the toolbar at bottom of the page, click Add Principal and select All Principals in domain SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup.
  5. In next page, check the check-box besides INVOKE_PERM and click the Add button.

Note: If your LiveCycle server is upgraded from an older version, you may have many similar names, ensure All Principals in domain SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup is selected.

This sample writes the output to C:\tmp\LCSamples\Output\SimpleMortgageLoan.txt by default on Windows and to /tmp/LCSamples/Output/SimpleMortgageLoan.txt on Unix. If you want to change this path, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console(http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Home > Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.
  3. Select Samples - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex from the Category list and click Filter
  4. Click Samples - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex/Processes/SimpleMortgageLoan - Flex: 1.0, click the Configuration tab, and configure the property pathNamePattern:
    Windows C:\temp\LCSamples\Output\SimpleMortgageLoan.txt (for example)
    UNIX /usr/yourUserName/LCSamples/Output/SimpleMortgageLoan.txt (for example)

Ensure that you set the appropriate local file path, and that this path is valid (and with appropriate access permissions).

Running the sample

  1.  Log in to Workspace (http://[hostname]:[port]/workspace/) using these credentials:
  2.  Click Start Process > Samples > Simple Mortgage Loan - startpoint. The Flex form loads. 
  3.  Fill the form. The Monthly Mortgage Payment field is an important field to determine the route that the form takes. Click Complete.
  4. Find the To Do list. A task is displayed. 
  5. Click the task to view the form. Complete the task by clicking either Approve or Deny. The result is written to the output file that you configured, by default C:\tmp\LCSamples\Output\SimpleMortgageLoan.txt on Windows and /tmp/LCSamples/Output/SimpleMortgageLoan.txt on Unix.

Next steps

Try making the following changes:

Legal disclaimer

Any references to company names, company logos and user names in sample material or sample forms included in this documentation and/or software are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization or persons.

LiveCycle ES3 Product Sample - Simple Mortgage Loan-Flex - 01/23/2012 5:18 PM
LiveCycle ES3 - February 2012

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