Financial Advisory Service

LiveCycle ES2 Product Sample

Overview of the sample
Prerequisites for the sample
Files needed for the sample
Deploying the sample

Configuring the sample
Running the sample
Next steps
Legal disclaimer

Overview of the sample

In this sample, a customer can apply to one of four services provided by a financial service company. After the customer submits the request, he receives an email message with a PDF attachment that contains the application form and other materials. At the same time, a notification email message is sent to the company representative. The customer fills in the application form, prints it, and mails it back to the company via post office. After the mail is received, clerks in the company scan the application form and save it to a picture file and use it as the input to trigger the second part of the process: a task is assigned to three different approvers who can approve or reject the application. After all of the three approvers have taken actions, the application result is emailed to the customer. At the same time, another notification email is sent to the company representative.

The process can be illustrated with the following figure:

process diagram


  1. A customer files an application.
  2. The application is sent to three bank clerks to be reviewed.
  3. A decision is made based on the review results.
  4. A notification is sent back to the customer.

Prerequisites for the sample

  1. Deploy and run the Sample Setup Utility.
  2. To run this sample successfully, ensure that LiveCycle PDF Generator ES2 is enabled. If LiveCycle PDF Generator ES2 is configured during LiveCycle installation, skip this step. Check with your system administrator to find out whether LiveCycle PDF Generator ES2 is configured.

Files needed for the sample

File Name
Adobe-Samples-Application-FinancialadvisoryService.lca The LiveCycle ES2 archive for deploying the sample

Deploying the sample

Tip: To deploy multiple samples, use the Samples Deploy Utility.

Note: These instructions assume that LiveCycle ES2 is installed on the C: drive on Microsoft Windows, if you have installed to a different location, substitute the directory where you installed LiveCycle ES2.

  1. Check to see if the following folders exist on the server where LiveCycle is install, if they do exist, delete them before proceeding.





  2. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  3. Click Services > Applications and Services > Application Management.
  4. Click the LiveCycle Applications(9.x) tab and click Import.
  5. Click Browse to locate the sample LiveCycle ES2 archive (LCA) file Adobe-Samples-Application-FinancialAdvisoryService.lca, and then click Preview.
  6. Select Deploy assets to runtime when import is complete and click Import.

Configuring the sample

Note: Before configuring and running this sample, it is necessary to deploy and run the Sample Setup Utility.

To add the INVOKE principal to LiveCycle users. These steps apply the INVOKE principal to all users that have not been assigned the Application Administrator role for this sample:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.
  3. In the Category dropdown list, select Samples - Financial Advisory Service and click Filter button.
  4. Click Samples - Financial Advisory Service/Processes/Apply For Service: 1.0 and then click the Security tab. From the tool bar at bottom of the page, click Add Principal and select All Principals.
  5. In next page, check the check-box besides INVOKE_PERM and click the Add button.

Configure Email Server:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Home > Services > Applications and Services >Service Management.
  3. Select Foundation from the Category list and click Filter.
  4. Click EmailService:1.0, click the Configuration tab and configure the following properties:
  5. Click Save

Configure Email Address

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Home > Services > Applications and Services > Service Management. Select Samples - Financial Advisory Service from the Category list and click Filter.
  3. Click Samples - Financial Advisory Service /Processes/Apply For Service: 1.0
  4. Click the Configuration tab and configure the following properties. Their values should be an available email address on the email server that was configured in the step "Configure Email Server":
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Home > Services > Applications and Services > Service Management. Select Samples - Financial Advisory Service from the Category list and click Filter.
  7. Click Samples - Financial Advisory Service /Processes/Deal With The Applied Service: 1.0.
  8. Click the Configuration tab and configure the following properties. Their values should be the same as configured in step 4.
  9. Click Save.

Running the sample

User files a financial application:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Workspace ES2 (http://[hostname]:[port]/workspace), using the following user:
  2. Click Start Process, and then click Samples - Financial Advisory Service - startpoint. Fill in the Financial Application Form. Note that you must provide a valid email address on the email server that you configured in the step "Configure Email Server" in the Email Address field, such as
  3. Click Complete to submit the Financial Application Form. An email message with an attachment is sent to you ( The attachment contains an assembled PDF file. The content of PDF file depends on the service you choose in the Financial Application Form. At the same time, a notification email message is sent to the sales representative that you configured in the step "Configuring the sample" in the variable representativeEmail.

User fills in the application form and faxes it to the bank:

  1. An email message with an attachment is sent to you ( The attachment contains an assembled PDF file.The content of the PDF file depends on the service you choose in the Financial Application Form. At the same time, a notification email message is sent to the sales representative that you configured in the step "Configuring the sample" in the variable representativeEmail.

    Troubleshooting: If you do not see the email:
    - check with your LiveCycle administrator to ensure the PDF Generator service is configured.
    - check that the email server and the email address are both configured.
    - ensure you entered a validate email address while file the request.

  2. Now, the user should print and fax the application form back to the bank. To simulate this operation, use Acrobat 9.x to open the assembled PDF file (the attachment that you received in the last step).
  3. Navigate to the folder Financial Service > ApplicationForms in the assembled PDF file, right-click the PDF in the folder, select Save File from Portfolio to save the PDF to a local path.
  4. Open the PDF using Acrobat 9.x, fill the form, and you need to use a valid email address for the Email Address item, it can be the same one as you used in step 2 of the section above. (Note:Some of the other data may not be encoded into barcode because of its storage limitation, so when the Bank evaluators review the application, he will only see the data that decoded from the barcode).
  5. Then save the form as TIFF files. Two TIFF files will be saved, BankAccountForm_Page_1.tiff and BankAccountForm_Page_2.tiff.
  6. Copy the second TIFF file (...Page_2.tiff) to the watched folder's input directory. By default this is C:\tmp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\FinancialAdvisoryService\input for Windows and /tmp/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/FinancialAdvisoryService/input for Unix.

Bank evaluators review the application:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Workspace ES2 (http://[hostname]:[port]/workspace), using the following user:
  2. Find the To-Do item, there will be a task titled "Evaluate Bank Account service" or "Evaluate Credit Card Service"/ "Evaluate Insurance Service" / "Evaluate Investment Service" (depending on the service you chose in the first section "User files a financial application"). Click the task to open the form.
  3. Click Approve or Deny at the bottom of the window.
  4. Repeat the above steps (1-3) for the other two users:

User and bank representative receive evaluation result:

  1. An email message is sent to the customer (at the email address that you input into the form in the section "User fills in the application form, for example, with the application result. At the same time, another notification email with the application result is sent to the sales representative that you configured in the step "Configuring the sample" in the variable representativeEmail. The application result depends on the rule of approval. The default rule is: the result will be approved only if all three users choose to approve the application; otherwise, the result will be denied. You can check the result with the content of the email message that is sent to the customer or sales representative.

Next steps

Try making the following changes to the process:

Legal disclaimer

Any references to company names, company logos and user names in sample material or sample forms included in this documentation and/or software are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization or persons.

LiveCycle ES2 Product Sample - Financial Advisory Service - 07/14/2011 5:04 PM
LiveCycle ES2 ( - September 2010

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