End-to-End Mortgage Application

LiveCycle ES3 Product Sample

Overview of the sample
Prerequisites for the sample
Files needed for the sample
Deploying the sample

Configuring the sample
Running the sample
Next steps
Legal disclaimer

Overview of the sample

The End-To-End Mortgage Application sample demonstrates how you can leverage multiple LiveCycle ES3 modules in a human-centric business process. It also demonstrates the use of events and subprocesses to construct a complex business workflow. In this sample, a consumer submits a mortgage application form in Adobe® LiveCycle® Workspace 10. The back-end LiveCycle ES3 process extracts the information from the application form and sends it to a credit-check agency. The agency the provides a credit score and sends the result back via email. Once this is complete, the main process processes the application based on the range of the credit score.

The following illustration details the process:

process flow diagram

Modules used with this sample:

Prerequisites for the sample

  1. Deploy and run the Sample Setup Utility.
  2. Download the sample certificate for Adobe® LiveCycle® LiveCycle Reader Extensions 10. This certificate is available at: http://www.adobe.com/go/reader_ext_cert.

Files needed for the sample

File Name
Adobe-Samples-Application-EndToEndMortgageApplication.lca The LiveCycle ES3 archive for this sample
LoanAgreement_Page_1.tiff and LoanAgreement_Page_2.tiff Output files for this sample
LiveCycle Reader Extension ES certificate available for download from http://www.adobe.com/go/reader_ext_cert

Deploying the sample

Tip: To deploy multiple samples, use the Samples Deploy Utility.

Note: These instructions assume that LiveCycle ES3 is installed on the C: drive on Microsoft Windows, if you have installed to a different location, substitute the directory where you installed LiveCycle ES3.

  1. Check to see if the following folders exist on the server when LiveCycle is install, if they do exist, delete them before proceeding.





  2. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  3. Click Services > Applications and Services > Application Management.
  4. Click the LiveCycle Applications(9.x) tab and click Import.
  5. Click Browse to locate the sample LiveCycle ES3 archive (LCA) file Adobe-Samples-Application-EndToEndMortgageApplication.lca, and then click Preview.
  6. Select Deploy assets to runtime when import is complete and click Import.

Configuring the sample

Note: Before configuring and running this sample, it is necessary to deploy and run the Sample Setup Utility . 

Configure Security

The sample users need to be assigned INVOKE privileges to access the process:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Services > Applications and Services > Service Management.
  3. In the Category drop down list, select Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application and click Filter button.
  4. Click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/Processes/End-To-End Mortgage Application: 1.0 and then click the Security tab. From the tool bar at bottom of the page, click Add Principal and select All Principals in domain SampleOrganization, PublicationsGroup.
  5. In next page, check the check-box besides INVOKE_PERM and click the Add button.

Note: If your LiveCycle server is upgraded from 8.2.x, there might be multiple sample user groups with similar name, ensure All Principals in domain SampleOrganization,PublicationsGroup is selected.

Configure Credentials

In the following steps, you need two credential files:

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Home > Settings > Trust Store Management > Local Credentials.
  3. Click Import and, on the Import Credential page, specify this information:   
  4. Click OK to import the credential.  

Configure Email Service

  1. Log in to LiveCycle Administration Console (http://[hostname]:[port]/adminui).
  2. Click Home > Services > Applications and Services >Service Management.
  3. Select Foundation from the Category list and click Filter.
  4. Click EmailService:1.0, click the Configuration tab and configure the following properties:
  5. Click Save
Set up the Generate Credit Check process:  

Configure Credential

  1. Log in to Adobe® LiveCycle® Workbench 10.
  2. If Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application does not show in the Applications view, click File > Get Application..., and choose Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application > Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 from the application list to import the application to Workbench.
  3. In the Applications view, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application > Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 > Processes > Subprocess > Generate Credit Check. To check out the process, right-click Generate Credit Check and select Check Out. To edit the process, right-click Generate Credit Check and select Open.
  4. Double-click the Certify Form activity to open its properties sheet. Click Common > Certifying Credential > Alias. Select JOHNJACOBS in the list.
  5. Double-click the Apply Usage Rights activity to open its properties sheet. Click Input > Credential Alias. Select SAMPLEREADEREXTENSIONSCREDENTIAL in the list.
  6. To save the process, select File > Save.

Configure Email Address

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. In the Applications view, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application> EndToEnd Mortgage Application /1.0 > Processes > Subprocess >Generate Credit Check. To check out the process, right-click Generate Credit Check and select Check Out. To edit the process, right-click Generate Credit Check and select Open.
  3. Click Window > Show Views > Variables to enable LiveCycle ES3 Variables View. Double-click the variable backEndLiveCycleEmail, change the Default Value (the value should be an available email address on the email server that configured in the step Configure Email Server), and click Save.
  4. Double-click the variable creditCheckAgencyEmail, change the Default Value (the value should be an available email address on the email server that configured in the step Configure Email Server), and click Save.
  5. To save the process, select File > Save.
Set up the Receive Credit Check process

This step is optional.

The path of the WatchFolder startpoint is C:\tmp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck by default for Windows, and :/tmp/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck for Unix. If you want to change this path, especially if you are using UNIX, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. In the Applications view, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application > Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 > Processes > Subprocesses > Receive Credit Check. To check out the process, right-click Receive Credit Check and select Check Out. To edit the process, right-click Receive Credit Check and select Open.
  3. Click the startpoint Receive Credit Check - startpoint, and in Process Properties > General > Path, you can enter (for example):
    Windows D:\temp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck
    Unix /usr/yourUserName/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck
  4.   To save the process,select File > Save.
Setup the End-to-End Mortgage Application process:

This step is optional.

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. In the Applications view, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application> EndToEnd Mortgage Application /1.0 > Processes >End-To-End Mortgage Application. To check out the process, right-click End-To-End Mortgage Application and select Check Out. To edit the process, right-click End-To-End Mortgage Application and select Open.
  3. Click Window > Show Views > Variables to enable LiveCycle ES3 Variables View. Edit the variables thankYouLetterFilePath, loanRejectionFilePath, and loanAgreementFilePath. The default values are:


    C: \tmp\LCSamples\Output\EndToEnd-ThankYouLetter.pdf
    C: \tmp\LCSamples\Output\EndToEnd-LoanRejection.pdf
    C:\tmp\ LCSamples\Output\EndToEnd-LoanAgreement.pdf

    Unix :/tmp/LCSamples/Output/EndToEnd-ThankYouLetter.pdf

4. To save the process, select File > Save.

Setup the Receive Agreement process

This step is optional.

The path of the WatchFolder startpoint is C:\tmp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveAgreement by default for Windows, and /tmp/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck for Unix. If you want to change this path, especially if you are using UNIX, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to Workbench.
  2. In the Applications view, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application > Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 > Processes > Subprocesses > Receive Agreement. To check out the process, right-click Receive Agreement and select Check Out. To edit the process, right-click ReceiveAgreement and select Open.
  3. Click the startpoint Receive Agreement - startpoint, and in Process Properties > General > Path, you can enter (for example):

    Windows D:\temp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveAgreement
    UNIX /usr/yourUserName/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveAgreement

  4. To save the process,select File > Save.
Check in and deploy the application:
  1. In the Applications view of Workbench, click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application>Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0. To check in the application, right-click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 and select Check In. To deploy the process, right-click Samples - EndToEnd Mortgage Application/1.0 and select Deploy.

Running the sample

User files a mortgage application
  1. Log in to Workspace (http://[hostname]:[port]/workspace/) using the following credentials: 
  2. Click Start Process > Samples > End-To-End Mortgage Application - startpoint, fill the form and click Complete to submit it. An email will be sent to CreditAgency automatically for credit checking, CreditAgency's email is defined by creditCheckAgencyEmail variable. (configured earlier in step Configure Email Address).
Credit Agency checks the applicant's credit and returns a credit score

Now you are the clerk from the Credit Agency.

  1. Check email (defined by creditCheckAgencyEmail) and save the attached PDF file to a local directory. Note: it may take a couple of minutes for the email to arrive.
  2. Open the saved PDF file and enter a credit score, for examples, 700, and save the file.
  3. Return the score to the bank by copying the saved PDF file to C:\tmp\LCSamples\WatchFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck\input for Windows, and /tmp/LCSamples/WatchFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveCreditCheck/input for Unix. In reality, the CreditAgency should be able to email back the credit score and the process continues. In this sample, the email addresses are not real and the application will not be able to deployed, therefore we use the watchfolder to mimic this step.

Troubleshooting: If you don't receive the email, Check the following:

Bank continues to process the loan application

  1. Depends on the credit score, pick the appropriate step to continue
  2. Loan Officer reviews the application.
  3. An agreement is saved to the output file that is configured in the step "Configuring the Sample," by default C:\tmp\LCSamples\Output\EndToEnd-LoanAgreement.pdf for Windows and /tmp/LCSamples/Output/EndToEnd-LoanAgreement.pdf for Unix.
  4. To simulate the fax and scan operations, use Adobe Acrobat Pro to open the EndToEnd-LoanAgreement.pdf file and then save it as TIFF file. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Pro installed, you can use the Tiff file provided in the zip file.
  5. Copy the TIFF files to the watched folder configured in the step "To Set up the Receive Agreement process", default is : C:\tmp\LCSamples\WatchedFolder\EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveAgreement\input for Windows and /tmp/LCSamples/WatchedFolder/EndToEndMortgageApplication-ReceiveAgreement/input for Unix. A PDF document of a thank-you letter will be generate and put into the output directory, by default it is C:\tmp\LCSamples\Output\EndToEnd-ThankYouLetter.pdf for Windows and /tmp/LCSamples/Output/EndToEnd-ThankYouLetter.pdf for Unix . The process is then completed.

Troubleshooting: If you don't see the generated Thank You letter

Next steps

If you have EMC Documentum Content Server or IBM FileNet P8 Content Manager, try to replace the file operations with Content Repository Connector operations to the archive application form and its related documents, such as credit-check result, final agreement, and approval or rejection letter into an ECM system. You can also create links between those supporting materials to the application form by using Content Repository Connector operations.

Legal disclaimer

Any references to company names, company logos and user names in sample material or sample forms included in this documentation and/or software are for demonstration purposes only and are not intended to refer to any actual organization or persons.

LiveCycle ES3 Product Sample - End-To-End Mortgage Application - 01/23/2012 5:20 PM
LiveCycle ES3 - February 2012

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