Configuring email notifications

Notification email messages can be sent to Workspace users when the following events occur:

  • Users are assigned a task.

  • A reminder or deadline occurs for a task that they own.

  • An escalation occurs for a task that they own.

    You can configure the message subject and body. The text can include parameters for task properties that are updated at run time. Parameters enable messages to include data that changes for each task, such as the task identification.

    Default email messages can be authored by using Administration Console. The default messages apply to all tasks that are created for all processes. You can configure the Assign Task operation by using Workbench to override the default messages for a task, or disable notifications for the task.

    Messages that are configured using Workbench can also include XPath expressions so that you can include text-based process data in the message.

Methods for configuring email notifications

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