3.6 Upgrading the Connectors for ECM

Upgrading connectors is supported in all scenarios. However, the steps are different, depending on support for the server version of your connector, in LiveCycle ES3. Upgrading connectors for ECM is supported:

  • If your current ECM server is a version supported in LiveCycle ES3, you can upgrade without any issues.

  • If your current ECM server is an unsupported version, run the LiveCycle ES3 upgrade first, skipping the Form Template Import step. Once LiveCycle is upgraded to LiveCycle ES3 and configured, you can then upgrade your ECM server to a supported version and rerun Configuration Manager to import the form templates. Install the new ECM client and then configure your applications to work with the client.

Note: If the ECM content server is upgraded before Connector for IBM FileNet or Connector for EMC Documentum is upgraded to LiveCycle ES3, run-time configuration information for LiveCycle, such as shared locks on the resources, will not be available and migrated to LiveCycle ES3.

See the appropriate section in 5.3 System requirements to verify supported ECM versions.

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