3.5 Updating client libraries

JBoss Application Server

If your custom applications use JAR files (client-libs) that are specific to JBoss, you must ensure that the JBoss-specific client-lib files are also updated within the custom applications to avoid seeing any issues while using them.

The JBoss client libraries are located in the client directory in third party/jboss.zip on the LiveCycle ES3 installation media (DVD or ESD).

WebLogic Server

For WebLogic, include the full WebLogic client JAR file (wlfullclient.jar) in the classpath of the custom application. If your client applications run on version 5 of the JDK, they use a different JAR file. You must build the full WebLogic client JAR file manually. Follow the steps in the article Programming Stand-alone Clients to generate the full WebLogic client JAR file.

General Issues

If your custom applications use the LiveCycle ES Update 1 adobe-livecycle-client.jar file, after upgrade, you may see an exception in your application server logs while using custom applications. The exception may look similar to:

java.io.FileNotFoundException: Response: '403: Forbidden' for url: 'http://localhost:8080/DocumentManager'

To avoid these errors when running your custom applications, do one of the following tasks (the first task is the preferred method):

  • Replace the adobe-livecycle-client.jar file used in your custom application with the LiveCycle ES3 adobe-livecycle-client.jar file located in [LiveCycle root]/sdk/client-libs/common

  • Log in to Administration Console and click Settings > Core System Settings > Configurations. Select the options Allow non secured document upload from Flex applications and Allow non secured document upload from Java SDK applications, click OK and restart your application server.

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