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PDF review

Know what PDF review is and how this serves as a suitable collaboration method in Adobe FrameMaker.

PDF review is a suitable collaboration option in environments in which reviewers are not required to make changes directly in the source document. Instead, they can use Adobe Document Cloud, Acrobat Pro DC, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to review the PDF file created from the source document.

You can create PDFs and set up PDF review from within FrameMaker. FrameMaker supports importing comments from a reviewed PDF into the source document, which helps you speed up the process of addressing feedback.

You can send a PDF file for shared review to allow reviewers to build on one another’s comments. Acrobat lets you easily add reviewers, monitor the status of shared reviews, and send updates or reminders.

When you plan to send a document for PDF review, keep the following considerations in mind before creating the PDF:

Create a Review PDF from an unstructured document

When saving an unstructured FrameMaker file as a PDF, ensure that you select the Generate PDF For Review Only option in the PDF Setup dialog. Selecting this option creates a tagged PDF.

Create a Review PDF from a structured document

To use import PDF comments feature in a structured (XML) document, do the following:

  1. Assign @IDs to all the elements in your content before you create a PDF for review. For assigning the IDs, you need to ensure that all your elements have an ID attribute.

  2. Ensure that you select the Generate PDF For Review Only option in the PDF Setup dialog.