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Send a review PDF through email

See how you can send a review PDF through an email with Adobe FrameMaker and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC.

To save a FrameMaker document as a Review PDF and send it for review through email, do the following in Adobe FrameMaker:

  1. Open a document, topic, book, or DITA map.

  2. Choose File > Save As Review PDF > Send through email.

  3. In the Save Document dialog box, specify a location and name for the PDF. Click Save.

  4. Modify the PDF settings if required. For example, specify Start Page and End Page if you want to save a part of the document as PDF (and not the entire document).

    Important: Make sure that the Generate PDF For Review Only option on the Settings page and the Generate Tagged PDF option on the Tags page are selected. By default, these options are selected to ensure that FrameMaker saves the PDF with enough information to import comments reliably into the source document.
  5. Click Set.

    FrameMaker creates the review PDF and opens the PDF in Acrobat Pro DC.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC prompts you to initiate an email-based review. To initiate an email-based review, do the following:

  1. Click Next to proceed.

  2. To invite reviewers, specify the email address of each reviewer. Click Next.

  3. A default message for the reviewers is displayed. Modify the invitation if required. Click Send Invitation.

  4. Specify whether you would like to send the invitation using your default email application (for example, Microsoft Outlook) or web mail (for example, Gmail). Click Continue.

  5. Check the outgoing message notification. Click OK.