Invite users to meetings

Once you create a Adobe Connect meeting and add participants and presenters, you may want to send invitations by e-mail. To send a meeting invitation, you need information about the meeting, including the meeting name, the host’s name and e-mail address, the meeting room URL, the date and time of the meeting, and the participant’s (or presenter’s) name and e-mail address.

You can construct an e-mail message using any technique that works with your user interface. Extract specific information about the meeting using the following steps.

Send an e-mail to meeting participants

  1. Call sco-info with the meeting sco-id:
  2. Parse the response for the meeting name, date, or other values:

    <sco account-id="624520" disabled="" display-seq="0"  
            folder-id="2006258750" icon="meeting" lang="en" max-retries=""  
            sco-id="2007063163" source-sco-id="-1625529" type="meeting" 
        <name>August All Hands Meeting</name>  
  3. Construct the URL to the meeting room (see Create meeting room URLs ).

  4. Call permissions-info to get the principal-id values of the presenters or participants, filtering on permission-id : 
    • For a list of presenters, use permission-id = mini-host .

    • For participants, use permission-id=view .

  5. Parse the response for the principal-id values you want:

    <principal principal-id="2006282569" is-primary="false" type="user"  
            has-children="false" permission-id="view"> 
    <name>jazz doe</name>  
  6. Call principal-info with the principal-id : 
  7. Extract the name and email values from the response:

    <principal account-id="624520" disabled="" has-children="false"  
            is-hidden="false" is-primary="false" principal-id="2006282569" 
        <name>jazz doe</name>  
        <x-2007017651>San Francisco</x-2007017651>  
  8. Call permissions-info again, filtering on a permission-id of host : 
  9. Parse the response for the principal-id :

    <principal principal-id="2006282569" is-primary="false" type="user"  
            has-children="false" permission-id="host"> 
        <name>jazz doe</name>  
  10. Call principal-info , using the principal-id : 
  11. Parse the principal element of the response for the name and login (or name and email ):

    <principal account-id="624520" disabled="" has-children="false"  
            is-hidden="false" is-primary="false" principal-id="2006282569" 
        <name>jazz doe</name>  
        <x-2007017651>San Francisco</x-2007017651>  

    These are for the sender of the e-mail, who is the meeting host.

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