Create customized meetings

When you create a Adobe Connect meeting, you can assign it a meeting room template that creates a custom layout for the meeting room. If you don’t assign a template, the meeting room is created with the default meeting template.

To edit a meeting room template, launch Connect Central and click the template’s URL. You can edit the template while it is in a meeting templates folder (either My Templates or Shared Templates), if you have edit privileges on the folder.

Create a meeting room using a template

  1. Log in as your application’s Administrator user.

  2. Call sco-shortcuts :
  3. Parse the response for the sco-id of a folder that contains meeting templates:

    <sco tree-id="624529" sco-id="-625529" type="shared-meeting-templates"> 
    <sco tree-id="624530" sco-id="2006258751" type="my-meeting-templates"> 
  4. Call sco-contents , passing it the sco-id of the meeting templates folder:
  5. Parse the response for the sco-id of the meeting template you want.

  6. Create the meeting using sco-update . Pass it the sco-id of the meeting template as a source-sco-id : 
  7. Continue to set permissions for the meeting and add participants, host, and presenter (see Create meetings ).

  8. Create the URL to the meeting room (see Create meeting room URLs ).

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