Set or reset a meeting passcode

By default, when meeting hosts create meetings, they can set a passcode that users must enter to join the meeting. In Connect Central, Account Administrators can enable and disable the ability to enforce passcodes; the ability to enforce passcodes is disabled by default.

Use the Web Services API to do the following:

  • Enable and disable the ability of meeting hosts to enforce passcodes for meetings.

  • Set, reset, or remove the passcode for a meeting.

  • Check whether a meeting has a passcode

  • View a list of meetings that require passcodes

Enable and disable the ability to passcode protect meeting rooms

To enable the passcode protect option for an account, call the following API:


To disable the passcode protect option, pass enable=true .

Note: Only administrators can call meeting-feature-update to enable or disable a meeting feature.

Check whether the enforce passcode option is enabled for an account

Call the meeting-feature-info API:


If the result list contains feature-id=fid-meeting-passcode-notallowed , the passcode option is enabled. Otherwise, the passcode option is not enabled. By default, the passcode options is disabled.

Set, reset, or remove a passcode

Call the acl-field-update API and pass the meeting-passcode parameter:


To remove a passcode, set the value parameter to empty:

Note: Only administrators and meeting hosts can call acl-field-update with field-id=meeting-passcode .

Check whether a meeting has a passcode


If a meeting has a passcode, the result is as follows:

<status code="ok"/> 
<field acl-id="22701" field-id="meeting-passcode"><value>connect12</value></field> 

If passcode is not set then the result is:

<status code="ok"/> 
Note: Only administrators can call acl-field-info .

View a list of meetings that require passcodes:


The result is the list of acl-ids (meeting-ids):

<status code="ok"/> 
<acl acl-id="21907"> 
<acl acl-id="22701"> 
<acl acl-id="21401"> 
Note: Only administrators can call acl-field-list .

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