Remove users from meetings

Occasionally a user is invited to a Adobe Connect meeting as participant or presenter but later needs to be removed from the participant list. Removing the user has various results, depending on whether the meeting is public or private:

  • For a public meeting: The user’s permission (participant, presenter, or host) is removed, but the user can still enter the meeting as a guest.

  • For a private meeting: The user’s permission is removed, and the user can enter only as a guest and with approval from the meeting host.

To remove a user’s permission to enter, call permissions-update with a special permission value, permission-id=remove .

If the meeting is in progress and the user has already entered the room, the user is not removed from the meeting. However, when the user’s session times out, the user cannot reenter.

Remove a user’s permission to access a meeting

  1. (Optional) Call permissions‑info ‑ to check the principal’s permission to enter the meeting:

    However, you do not need to know the specific permission the principal has before you remove the permission.

  2. Get the meeting’s sco-id (see Find meetings ).

  3. Get the user’s principal-id (see Find a principal-id ).

  4. Call permissions-update , using the meeting’s sco-id as the acl-id and permission-id=remove : 

// Ethnio survey code removed