Communicate with training or meeting attendees

To create a sense of community within a meeting or training session and encourage attendees to participate, use the emoticons that appear in the Attendees pod. These emoticons can express an emotion such as laughter or applause, ask the host to speak louder or slow down, or show raised hands.

Here are a few more tips for communicating with meeting and training attendees:

  • Explain to attendees how to use the emoticons and audio together and then support them when they try to use the features. If attendees are raising their hands, take and answer their questions so they begin to understand how the communication flow works.

  • Be the most active user of emoticons. When an attendee makes a comment, use the emoticons to express laughter or applaud. If you are busy giving a detailed presentation, enlist the help of another host or presenter to be active using emoticons and managing the Attendees pod.

  • An easy way to keep attendees involved is by asking simple questions they can quickly answer using the Agree and Disagree emoticons.

  • If you have acknowledged an attendee’s raised hand and given them voice rights, you can also allow them to share their screen. (Hover over their name in the Attendees pod and select Request Screen Share ). This can be helpful if sharing their screen enables them to clarify a question or provide information.

  • In the Attendees pod, hover over an attendee name to mute or unmute their microphone as needed during an audio conference call.

Note: Adobe Connect administrators can change pod, sharing, and other settings to adhere to standards for governance. These settings affect the layout of meeting rooms and virtual classrooms and what you can do in the rooms. For more information, see Working with compliance and control settings .

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