View and manage curriculum reports

You can view reports, which provide summaries, statistical information, and status information about a curriculum. You can view data for the overall curriculum, for individual users, and by item. Course and curriculum reports are shared, because a curriculum is only a link to a course. (In contrast, content and course reports are distinct, because a course is associated with a specific version of content.) Curriculum reports do not display the specific version of a curriculum a learner completed.
Note: When upgrading from Acrobat Connect 6 to Adobe Connect 7, existing training materials are migrated, but the data supported in the enhanced Adobe Connect 7 reporting feature will be blank for Connect 6 materials.

Curriculum reports show learner status in several ways:

  • In a presentation with no quizzes, Complete is achieved when 100% of the slides in a presentation have been viewed.
  • In a presentation with one or more quizzes, In Progress status is listed if all quiz questions with a point value (nonzero weighted) in all quizzes have not been answered. If all questions with a point value have been answered, Adobe Connect lists a Passed or Failed depending if the learner score equals/exceeds or is less than the passing score.
    Note: If a course in the curriculum was made available to users before the course was added to the curriculum, any data that existed for that individual course appears in the curriculum report. If you do not want prior data to appear in the curriculum report, you can re-create any courses that existed before you created the curriculum.

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