View curriculum status report

A Status report offers general information about a curriculum, including the number of enrollees and the number of users who completed the curriculum.

You can filter the report on start or end dates, groups or users, and people managed directly or indirectly

  1. If you’re not already on the Curriculum Information page for the curriculum, go to the Training tab in Adobe Connect Central and browse to the curriculum. Click the curriculum name to open the Curriculum Information page.
  2. Click the Reports link.

    Adobe Connect Central opens, by default, on the Summary report page. In addition to the information that appears in the Curriculum Information area of the Curriculum Information page (such as Curriculum Name, Curriculum ID, URL, and open and close dates), the report contains the following information:

    Enrolled Users
    The number of users enrolled in the curriculum.

    Users Completed
    The number of users that have accessed the curriculum and have successfully completed all required items. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.

    Users In Progress
    The number of users who have accessed the curriculum and who did not successfully meet the completion requirements. This includes all users who have ever been enrolled in this curriculum, whether they are enrolled currently or not.

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