Stage orientation

AIR 2.0 and later

Mobile devices typically re-orient the user interface to keep the display upright when the user rotates the device. If you enable auto-orientation in your application, the device keeps the display properly oriented, but it is up to you to make sure that your content looks okay when the aspect ratio of the stage changes. If you disable auto-orientation, then the device display remains fixed unless you change the orientation manually.

AIR applications run on a number of different mobile devices and operating systems. The underlying orientation behavior can vary across operating systems, and even across different devices on the same operating system. A simple design strategy, that works well across all devices and operating systems, is to enable auto-orientation and to listen for Stage resize events to determine when you need to refresh the application layout.

Alternately, if your application only supports the portrait aspect ratio or only supports the landscape aspect ratio, you can turn off auto-orientation and set the supported aspect ratio in the AIR application descriptor. This design strategy provides consistent behavior and selects the “best” orientation for the selected aspect ratio. For example, if you specify the landscape aspect ratio, the orientation chosen is appropriate for devices with landscape-mode, slide-out keyboards.

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