Device registration

The DRM vouchers are bound to the end user’s machine. Hence Flash /AIR applications will need a unique ID for the user’s machine to refer to the right serialized DRM voucher object. The following scenario depicts a device registration process:

Assuming that you have performed the following tasks:
  • You have set up the Adobe Access Server SDK.

  • You have set up an HTTP server for obtaining pre-generated licenses.

  • You have created a Flash application to view the protected content.

The device registration phase involves the following actions:
  1. The Flash application creates a randomly generated ID.

  2. The Flash application invokes the DRMManager.authenticate() method. The application must include the randomly generated ID in the authentication request. For instance, include the ID in the username field.

  3. The action mentioned in Step 2 will result in Adobe Access sending an authentication request to the customer’s server. This request includes the device certificate.

    1. The server extracts the device certificate and the generated ID from the request and stores.

    2. The customer sub-system pre-generates licenses for this device certificate, stores them and grants access to them in a way that associates them with the generated ID.

  4. The server responds to the request with a “success” message.

  5. The Flash application stores the generated ID locally in a Local Shared Object (LSO).

After the device registration, the Flash application uses the generated ID in the same way as it would have used the device ID in the previous scheme:

  1. The Flash application will try to locate the generated ID in LSO.

  2. If the generated ID is found, the Flash application will use the generated ID while downloading the pre-generated licenses. The Flash application will send the licenses to the Adobe Access client for consumption using the DRMManager.storeVoucher() method.

  3. If the generated ID is not found, the Flash application will go through the device registration procedure.

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