Customize the ProgressBar component

You can transform a ProgressBar component horizontally and vertically while authoring and at run time. While authoring, select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform tool or any of the Modify > Transform commands. At run time, use the setSize() method or the appropriate properties of the ProgressBar class such as height , width , scaleX , and scaleY .

The ProgressBar has three skins: a track skin, a bar skin, and an indeterminate skin. It uses 9-slice scaling to scale the assets.

Styles and the ProgressBar component

You can set style properties to change the appearance of a ProgressBar instance. The ProgressBar’s styles specify values for its skin and padding when the component is drawn. The following example enlarges the size of a ProgressBar instance and sets its barPadding style.

  1. Create a new FLA file.

  2. Drag the ProgressBar component from the Components panel to the Stage and give it an instance name of myPb.

  3. On Frame 1 of the main Timeline, enter the following code in the Actions Panel:

    myPb.width = 300; 
    myPb.height = 30; 
    myPb.setStyle("barPadding", 3);
  4. Select Control > Test Movie.

    For information on setting skin styles, see About Skins .

Skins and the ProgressBar component

The ProgressBar component uses skins to represent the progress bar track, the completed bar, and an indeterminate bar as shown in the following illustration.

ProgressBar skins

The bar is placed over the track skin, using the barPadding to determine the positioning. The assets are scaled using 9-slice scaling.

The indeterminate bar is used when the ProgressBar instance’s indeterminate property is set to true . The skin is resized vertically and horizontally to fit the size of the ProgressBar.

You can edit these skins to change the appearance of the ProgressBar. For example, the following example changes the color of the indeterminate bar.

  1. Create a new FLA file.

  2. Drag a ProgressBar component to the stage and double-click it to open its panel of skin icons.

  3. Double-click the indeterminate bar skin.

  4. Set the zoom control to 400% to enlarge the icon for editing.

  5. Double-click one of the diagonal bars, then hold down the Shift key and click on each of the others. The current color appears in the Fill color picker in the Property inspector.

  6. Click the Fill color picker in the Property inspector to open it and select color #00CC00 to apply it to the selected diagonal bars.

  7. Click the Back button at the left side of the edit bar above the Stage to return to document-editing mode.

  8. Select Control > Test Movie.

    The ProgressBar should appear as shown in the following illustration.

    Custom skin for indeterminate ProgressBar

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