About Skins

A component’s appearance is made up of graphical elements such as an outline, a fill color, icons, and even other components. A ComboBox, for example, contains a List component and a List component contains a ScrollBar. Together the graphical elements make up the appearance for the ComboBox. A component’s appearance changes, however, based on its current state. For example, a CheckBox, without its label, looks something like this when it appears in your application:

CheckBox in normal up state
A CheckBox in its normal up state

If you click the mouse button and hold it down on the CheckBox, its appearance changes to this:

CheckBox in its down state
A CheckBox in its down state

And when you release the mouse button, the CheckBox reverts to its original appearance but now has a check mark to show that it has been selected.

CheckBox in its selected state
A CheckBox in its selected state

Collectively, the icons that represent the component in its various states are called its skins. You can change a component’s appearance in any or all of its states by editing its skins in Flash, just as you would any other Flash symbol. You can access a component’s skins in two ways. The easiest way is to drag the component to the Stage and double-click it. This opens a palette of the component’s skins, which looks like this for a CheckBox.

A CheckBox’s skins

You can also access a component’s skins individually from the Library panel. When you drag a component to the Stage, you also copy it to the library along with a folder of its assets and any other components that it contains. For example, if you drag a ComboBox to the Stage, the Library panel will also contain the List, ScrollBar, and TextInput components, which are built into the ComboBox, along with a folder of skins for each of these components and a Shared Assets folder that contains elements that these components share. You can edit the skins for any of these components by opening its skins folder (ComboBoxSkins, ListSkins, ScrollBarSkins, or TextInputSkins) and double-clicking the icon for the skin that you want to edit. Double-clicking ComboBox_downSkin, for example, opens the skin in symbol editing mode, as shown in the following illustration:

ComboBox_downSkin in symbol-editing mode
The ComboBox_downSkin

Create a new skin

If you want to create a new look for a component in your document, you edit the component’s skins to change their appearance. To access a component’s skins, simply double-click the component on the Stage to open a palette of its skins. Then double-click the skin that you want to edit to open it in symbol-editing mode. For example, double-click the TextArea component on the Stage to open its assets in symbol-editing mode. Set the zoom control to 400%, or higher if you like, and edit the symbol to change its look. When you’re finished, the change will affect all instances of the component in the document. As an alternative, you can double-click a particular skin in the Library panel to open it on the Stage in symbol-editing mode.

You can modify component skins in the following ways:

  • Create a new skin for all instances

  • Create new skins for some instances

Create a skin for all instances

When you edit a component’s skin, by default you change the component’s appearance for all instances of it in the document. If you want to create different looks for the same component, you must duplicate the skins that you want to change and give them different names, edit them, and then set the appropriate styles to apply them. For more information, see Create skins for some instances .

This chapter describes how to alter one or more skins for each of the UI components. If you follow one of these procedures to change one or more of a UI component’s skins, you will change it for all instances in the document.

Create skins for some instances

You can create a skin for some instances of a component using the following general procedure:

  • Select the skin in the component’s Assets folder in the Library panel.

  • Duplicate the skin and assign it a unique class name.

  • Edit the skin to give it the appearance you want.

  • Call the setStyle() method for the component instance to assign the new skin to the skin style.

The following procedure creates a new selectedDownSkin for one of two Button instances.

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag two Buttons from the Components panel onto the Stage and give them instance names of aButton and bButton .

  3. Open the Library panel and then the Component Assets and ButtonSkins folders within it.

  4. Click the selectedDownSkin skin to select it.

  5. Right-click to open the context menu and select Duplicate.

  6. In the Duplicate Symbol dialog box, give the new skin a unique name, for example Button_mySelectedDownSkin . Then click OK.

  7. In the Library > Component Assets > ButtonSkins folder, select Button_mySelectedDownSkin and right-click to open the context menu. Select Linkage to open the Linkage Properties dialog box.

  8. Click the Export For ActionScript check box. Leave the Export In First Frame check box selected and ensure that the class name is unique. Click OK, and then click OK again in response to the warning that says a class definition could not be found and one will be created.

  9. Double-click the Button_mySelectedDownSkin skin in the Library panel to open it in symbol-editing mode.

  10. Click the blue fill in the center of the skin until the color appears in the Fill color picker in the Property inspector. Click the color picker and select color #00CC00 for the skin fill.

  11. Click the Back button at the left side of the edit bar above the Stage to return to document-editing mode.

  12. In the Property inspector, click the Parameters tab for each button and set the toggle parameter to true .

  13. Add the following code to the Actions panel on Frame 1 of the Timeline:

    bButton.setStyle("selectedDownSkin", Button_mySelectedDownSkin); 
    bButton.setStyle("downSkin", Button_mySelectedDownSkin);
  14. Select Control > Text Movie.

  15. Click each button. Note that the down skin (selected and unselected) for the bButton object uses the new skin symbol.

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