You can transform a RadioButton component horizontally
and vertically while authoring and at run time. While authoring,
select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform tool
or any of the Modify > Transform commands. At run time,
use the
bounding box of a RadioButton component is invisible and also designates the
hit area for the component. If you increase the size of the component,
you also increase the size of the hit area.
If the component’s bounding box is too small to fit the component
label, the label is clipped to fit.
Use styles with the RadioButton component
You can set style properties
to change the appearance of a RadioButton. The RadioButton’s style
properties specify values for its skins, icons, text formatting, and
padding when the component is drawn. The RadioButton’s styles specify values
for its skins and padding for its layout when the component is drawn.
The following example retrieves the
from a CheckBox component and applies it to a RadioButton to make
the style of their labels identical.
Create a new Flash document (ActionScript 3.0).
Drag a CheckBox component to the Stage and give it an instance
name of
in the Property inspector.
Drag a RadioButton to the Stage and give it an instance name
in the Property inspector.
Add the following code to the Actions panel on Frame 1 of
the Timeline.
var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tf.color = 0x00FF00;
tf.font = "Georgia";
tf.size = 18;
myCh.setStyle("textFormat", tf);
myRb.setStyle("textFormat", myCh.getStyle("textFormat"));
code sets the
style for the CheckBox,
then applies it to the RadioButton by calling the
on the CheckBox.
Select Control > Test Movie.
Skins and the RadioButton component
The RadioButton has the following
skins which you can edit to change its appearance:
RadioButton skins
If a RadioButton is enabled and not selected, it displays its
over skin when a user moves the pointer over it. When a user clicks
a RadioButton, it receives input focus and displays its selected_down
skin. When a user releases the mouse, the RadioButton displays its
selected_up skin. If a user moves the pointer out of the RadioButton’s
hit area while pressing the mouse button, the RadioButton redisplays
its up skin.
If a RadioButton is disabled, it displays its disabled state,
regardless of user interaction.
The following example replaces the selected_up skin that indicates
the selected state.
Create a new Flash document (ActionScript 3.0).
Drag the RadioButton component to the Stage and double-click
it to open its palette of skins.
Set the zoom control to 800% to enlarge the icon for editing.
Double-click the selected_up skin to select it and hit the
Delete key to delete it.
Select the Rectangle tool on the Tools panel.
In the Property inspector, set the line color to red (#FF0000)
and the Fill color to black (#000000).
Starting at the cross hairs that mark the symbol’s registration
point (also
origin point
zero point
), click and
drag the pointer to draw a rectangle.
Click the Back button at the left side of the edit bar above
the Stage to return to document-editing mode.
Select Control > Test Movie.
Click the RadioButton to select it.
The RadioButton
in the selected state should appear similar to the one in the following