Customize the CheckBox component

You can transform a CheckBox component horizontally and vertically while authoring and at run time. While authoring, select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform tool or any of the Modify > Transform commands. At run time, use the setSize() method or applicable properties of the CheckBox class. For example, you can change the size of a CheckBox by setting its height and width and scaleX and scaleY properties. Resizing the CheckBox does not change the size of the label or the check box icon; it only changes the size of the bounding box.

The bounding box of a CheckBox instance is invisible and also designates the hit area for the instance. If you increase the size of the instance, you also increase the size of the hit area. If the bounding box is too small to fit the label, the label is clipped to fit.

Use styles with the CheckBox

You can set style properties to change the appearance of a CheckBox instance. For example, the following procedure changes the size and color of a CheckBox label.

  1. Drag the CheckBox component from the Components panel to the Stage and give it an instance name of myCb.

  2. Click the Parameters tab in the Property inspector and enter the following value for the label parameter: Less than $500?

  3. On Frame 1 of the main Timeline, enter the following code in the Actions Panel:

    var myTf:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); 
    myCb.setSize(150, 22); 
    myTf.size = 16; 
    myTf.color = 0xFF0000; 
    myCb.setStyle("textFormat", myTf);

    For more information, see Setting styles . For information on setting style properties to change the component’s icons and skins, see Create a new skin and Use skins with the CheckBox .

Use skins with the CheckBox

The CheckBox component has the following skins, which you can edit to change its appearance.

CheckBox skins

This example changes the outline color and background color of the component in its up and selectedUp states. You would follow similar steps to change the skins for other states.

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag the CheckBox component to the Stage, which also places it in the library with a folder of its assets.

  3. Double-click the CheckBox component on the Stage to open its panel of skin icons.

  4. Double-click the selected_up icon to open it in symbol-editing mode.

  5. Set the zoom control to 800% to enlarge the icon for editing.

  6. Click the border of the CheckBox to select it. Use the Fill color picker in the Property inspector to select color #0033FF and apply it to the border.

  7. Double-click the background of the CheckBox to select it and again use the Fill color picker to set the color of the background to #00CCFF.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for the CheckBox up skin.

  9. Select Control > Test Movie.

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