Customize the ColorPicker component

The only resizing that you can do to a ColorPicker is through its styles: swatchWidth , swatchHeight , backgroundPadding , textFieldWidth , and textFieldHeight . If you try to change the size of the ColorPicker with the Transform tool or with ActionScript using the setSize() method, or the width , height , scaleX , or scaleY properties, these values are ignored when you create the SWF file and the ColorPicker displays at its default size. The palette background will resize to match the number of columns that has been set using setStyle() for the columnCount style. The default number of columns is 18. You can set custom colors to 1024 and the palette will resize vertically to match the number of swatches.

Use Styles with the ColorPicker component

You can set several styles to change the appearance of the ColorPicker component. For example the following procedure changes the number of columns ( columnCount ) in the ColorPicker to 12, changes the height ( swatchHeight ) and width ( swatchWidth ) of the color swatches, and changes the padding for both the text field ( textPadding ) and the background ( backgroundPadding ).

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag the ColorPicker component to the Stage and give it an instance name of aCp .

  3. Open the Actions panel, select Frame 1 in the main Timeline and enter the following code:

    aCp.setStyle("columnCount", 12); 
    aCp.setStyle("swatchWidth", 8); 
    aCp.setStyle("swatchHeight", 12); 
    aCp.setStyle("swatchPadding", 2); 
    aCp.setStyle("backgroundPadding", 3); 
    aCp.setStyle("textPadding", 7);
  4. Select Control > Test Movie.

  5. Click the ColorPicker to open it and see how these settings have altered its appearance.

Use Skins with the ColorPicker component

The ColorPicker component uses the following skins to represent its visual states.

View full size graphic
ColorPicker skins

You can change the color of the Background skin to change the color of the palette background.

  1. Create a new Flash file (ActionScript 3.0) document.

  2. Drag the ColorPicker component to the Stage.

  3. Double-click it to open its palette of skins.

  4. Double-click the Background skin until it is selected and the Fill color picker appears in the Property inspector.

  5. Select color #999999 using the Fill color picker to apply it to the Background skin.

  6. Click the Back button at the left side of the edit bar above the Stage to return to document-editing mode.

  7. Select Control > Test Movie.

    When you click on the ColorPicker, the background of the palette should be gray as shown in the following illustration.

    ColorPicker with dark grey Background skin
    ColorPicker with dark gray Background skin

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