Customize the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component

To start using the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component quickly, you can choose to use the FLVPlaybackCaptioning defaults which place the captioning directly over the FLVPlayback component. You may want to customize the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component to move the captioning away from the video.

The following code demonstrates how to dynamically create an FLVPlayback object with the toggle captioning button:

  1. Place the FLVPlayback component on the stage at 0,0 and provide the instance name player .

  2. Place the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component on the stage at 0,0 and provide the instance name captioning .

  3. Place the CaptionButton component on the stage.

  4. In the following code example, set the testVideoPath:String variable to an FLV file (using an absolute or relative path).

    Note: The code example sets the testVideoPath variable to the Flash video sample, caption_video.flv . Change this variable to the path of the captioning video component to which you are adding a caption button component.
  5. In the following code example, set the testCaptioningPath:String variable to an appropriate Timed Text XML file (using an absolute or relative path).

    Note: The code example sets the testCaptioningPath variable to the Timed Text XML file, caption_video.xml . Change this variable to the path of the Timed Text XML file that contains captions for your video.
  6. Save the following code as in the same directory as your FLA file.

  7. Set the DocumentClass in the FLA file to FLVPlaybackCaptioningExample.

        import flash.display.Sprite; 
        import flash.text.TextField; 
        public class FLVPlaybackCaptioningExample extends Sprite { 
            private var testVideoPath:String = ""; 
            private var testCaptioningPath:String = ""; 
            public function FLVPlaybackCaptioningExample() { 
                player.source = testVideoPath; 
       = "SkinOverAllNoCaption.swf"; 
                player.skinBackgroundColor = 0x666666; 
                player.skinBackgroundAlpha = 0.5; 
                captioning.flvPlayback = player; 
                captioning.source = testCaptioningPath; 
                captioning.autoLayout = false;  
            private function onCaptionChange(e:*):void { 
                var tf:* =; 
                var player:FLVPlayback =; 
                // move the caption below the video 
                tf.y = 210;  

    For more information on all of the FLVPlaybackCaptioning parameters, see the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform .

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