Trace statements

When you run your mobile application on the desktop, trace output is printed to either the debugger or the terminal window used to launch ADL. When you run your application on a device or emulator, you can set up a remote debugging session to view trace output. Where supported, you can also view trace output using the software development tools provided by the device or operating system maker.

In all cases, the SWF files in the application must be compiled with debugging enabled in order for the runtime to output any trace statements.

Remote trace statements on Android

When running on an Android device or emulator, you can view trace statement output in the Android system log using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) utility included in the Android SDK. To view the output of your application, run the following command from a command prompt or terminal window on your development computer:

tools/adb logcat air.MyApp:I *:S

where MyApp is the AIR application ID of your application. The argument *:S suppresses output from all other processes. To view system information about your application in addition to the trace output, you can include the ActivityManager in the logcat filter specification:

tools/adb logcat air.MyApp:I ActivityManager:I *:S

These command examples assume that you are running ADB from the Android SDK folder or that you have added the SDK folder to your path environment variable.

Note: In AIR 2.6+, the ADB utility is included in the AIR SDK and can be found in the lib/android/bin folder.

Remote trace statements on iOS

To view the output of trace statements from an application running on an iOS device, you must establish a remote debugging session using the Flash Debugger (FDB).

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