To debug an application running on a mobile device, you
can run the Flash debugger on your development computer and connect
to it over the network. To enable remote debugging, you must do
the following:
On Android, specify the android:permission.INTERNET permission
in the application descriptor.
Compile the application SWFs with debugging enabled.
Package the application with the -target apk-debug, for Android, or -target ipa-debug,
for iOS, and either the -connect (wifi debugging)
or -listen (USB debugging) flag.
For remote debugging over wifi, the device must be able to access
TCP port 7935 of the computer running the Flash debugger by IP address
or fully qualified domain name. For remote debugging over USB, the
device must be able to access TCP port 7936 or the port specified
in the -listen flag.
For iOS, you can also specify -target ipa-debug-interpreter or -target ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator.