On iOS, ADT converts the SWF file byte code and other source
files into a native iOS application.
Create the SWF file using Flash Builder, Flash Professional,
or a command-line compiler.
Open a command shell or a terminal and navigate to the project
folder of your iPhone application.
Next, use the ADT tool to create the IPA file, using the
following syntax:
adt -package
-target [ipa-test | ipa-debug | ipa-app-store | ipa-ad-hoc |
ipa-debug-interpreter | ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator
ipa-test-interpreter | ipa-test-interpreter-simulator]
-provisioning-profile PROFILE_PATH
-extdir extension-directory
-platformsdk path-to-iossdk or path-to-ios-simulator-sdk
the reference adt to include the full path to the
adt application. The adt application is installed in the bin subdirectory
of the AIR SDK.
Select the -target option
that corresponds to the type of iPhone application you want to create:
-target ipa-test—Choose this option to quickly
compile a version of the application for testing on your developer
iPhone. You can also use ipa-test-interpreter for
even faster compilation or ipa-test-interpreter-simulator to
run in the iOS Simulator.
-target ipa-debug—Choose this option to
compile a debug version of the application for testing on your developer
iPhone. With this option, you can use a debug session to receive trace() output
from the iPhone application.
You can include one of the following -connect options (CONNECT_OPTIONS)
to specify the IP address of the development computer running the
-connect—The application
will attempt to connect through wifi to a debug session on the development
computer used to compile the application.
-connect IP_ADDRESS—The application will
attempt to connect through wifi to a debug session on the computer
with the specified IP address. For example:
-target ipa-debug -connect
-connect HOST_NAME—The application will
attempt to connect through wifi to a debug session on the computer
with the specified host name. For example:
-target ipa-debug -connect bobroberts-mac.example.com
The -connect option
is optional. If not specified, the resulting debug application will
not attempt to connect to a hosted debugger. Alternatively, you
can specify ‑listen instead of ‑connect to
enable USB debugging, described in Remote debugging with FDB over USB.
If a debug connection
attempt fails, the application presents a dialog asking the user
to enter the IP address of the debugging host machine. A connection
attempt can fail if the device is not connected to wifi. It can
also occur if the device is connected but not behind the firewall
of the debugging host machine.
You can also use ipa-debug-interpreter for
faster compilation or ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator to
run in the iOS Simulator.
For more information, see Debugging a mobile AIR application.
-target ipa-ad-hoc—Choose this option to
create an application for ad hoc deployment. See the Apple iPhone
developer center
-target ipa-app-store—Choose this option
to create a final version of the IPA file for deployment to the
Apple App Store.
Replace the PROFILE_PATH with
the path to the provisioning profile file for your application.
For more information on provisioning profiles, see iOS setup.
Use the -platformsdk option
to point to the iOS Simulator SDK when you are building to run your
application in the iOS Simulator.
Replace the SIGNING_OPTIONS to
reference your iPhone developer certificate and password. Use the
following syntax:
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore P12_FILE_PATH -storepass PASSWORD
Replace P12_FILE_PATH with
the path to your P12 certificate file. Replace PASSWORD with
the certificate password. (See the example below.) For more information
on the P12 certificate file, see Converting a developer certificate into a P12 keystore file.
Note: You
can use a self-signed certificate when packaging for the iOS Simulator.
the APP_DESCRIPTOR to reference the application
descriptor file.
Replace the SOURCE_FILES to
reference the main SWF file of your project followed by any other
assets to include. Include the paths to all icon files you defined
in the application settings dialog box in Flash Professional or
in a custom application descriptor file. Also, add the initial screen
art file, Default.png.
Use the -extdir extension-directory option
to specify the directory that contains the ANE files (native extensions)
that the application uses. If the application uses no native extensions,
do not include this option.
Important: Do not create
a subdirectory in your application directory named Resources.
The runtime automatically creates a folder with this name to conform
to the IPA package structure. Creating your own Resources folder
results in a fatal conflict.
Creating an iOS package for debugging
create an iOS package for installing on test devices, use the ADT
package command, setting the target type to ios-debug. Before
running this command, you must have already obtained a development
code signing certificate and provisioning profile from Apple.
adt -package
-target ipa-debug
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../AppleDevelopment.p12
-provisioning-profile AppleDevelopment.mobileprofile
-connect | -listen
myApp.swf icons Default.png
Note: You can also use ipa-debug-interpreter for
faster compilation or ipa-debug-interpreter-simulator to
run in the iOS Simulator
Type the entire command on a single
line; line breaks in the above example are only present to make
it easier to read. Also, the example assumes that the path to the
ADT tool is on your command-line shell’s path definition. (See Path environment variables for help.)
You must run the command from
the directory containing the application files. The application
files in the example are myApp-app.xml (the application descriptor
file), myApp.swf, an icons directory, and the Default.png file.
must sign the application using the correct distribution certificate
issued by Apple; other code signing certificates cannot be used.
the -connect option for wifi debugging. The application
attempts to initiate a debug session with the Flash Debugger (FDB)
running on the specified IP or host name. Use the -listen option
for USB debugging. You first start the application and then start
FDB, which initiates a debug session for the running application.
See Connecting to the Flash debugger for more information.
Creating an iOS package for Apple App Store submission
create an iOS package for submission to the Apple App store, use
the ADT package command, setting the target type to ios-app-store.
Before running this command, you must have already obtained a distribution
code signing certificate and provisioning profile from Apple.
adt -package
-target ipa-app-store
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../AppleDistribution.p12
-provisioning-profile AppleDistribution.mobileprofile
myApp.swf icons Default.png
Type the entire command
on a single line; line breaks in the above example are only present
to make it easier to read. Also, the example assumes that the path
to the ADT tool is on your command-line shell’s path definition.
(See Path environment variables for help.)
You must run the command from
the directory containing the application files. The application
files in the example are myApp-app.xml (the application descriptor
file), myApp.swf, an icons directory, and the Default.png file.
must sign the application using the correct distribution certificate
issued by Apple; other code signing certificates cannot be used.
Important: Apple requires that you use the Apple Application Loader program
in order to upload applications to the App Store. Apple only publishes Application Loader for
Mac OS X. Thus, while you can develop an AIR application for the
iPhone using a Windows computer, you must have access to a computer
running OS X (version 10.5.3, or later) to submit the application
to the App Store. You can get the Application Loader program from
the Apple iOS Developer Center.
Creating an iOS package for ad hoc distribution
create an iOS package for ad hoc distribution, use the ADT package
command, setting the target type to ios-ad-hoc. Before running
this command, you must have already obtained the appropriate ad
hoc distribution code signing certificate and provisioning profile
from Apple.
adt -package
-target ipa-ad-hoc
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../AppleDistribution.p12
-provisioning-profile AppleDistribution.mobileprofile
myApp.swf icons Default.png
Type the entire command
on a single line; line breaks in the above example are only present
to make it easier to read. Also, the example assumes that the path
to the ADT tool is on your command-line shell’s path definition.
(See Path environment variables for help.)
You must run the command from
the directory containing the application files. The application
files in the example are myApp-app.xml (the application descriptor
file), myApp.swf, an icons directory, and the Default.png file.
must sign the application using the correct distribution certificate
issued by Apple; other code signing certificates cannot be used.
Creating an iOS package for an application that uses native extensions
To create an iOS package for an
application that uses native extensions, use the ADT package command
with the -extdir option. Use the ADT command as appropriate
for the target (ipa-app-store, ipa-debug, ipa-ad-hoc, ipa-test).
For example:
adt -package
-target ipa-ad-hoc
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../AppleDistribution.p12
-provisioning-profile AppleDistribution.mobileprofile
-extdir extensionsDir
myApp.swf icons Default.png
Type the entire command
on a single line; line breaks in the above example are only present
to make it easier to read.
Regarding native extensions, the
example assumes that the directory named extensionsDir is
in the directory in which you run the command. The extensionsDir directory
contains the ANE files that the application uses.
To create an iOS/tvOS package with Assets.car
To create an iOS/tvOS package for submission to the Apple App store, use the ADT package command, setting the target type to ios-app-store. Before running this command, you must have already obtained a distribution code signing certificate and provisioning profile from Apple, and have your Assets.car created using Xcode ready.
For example:
adt -package
-target ipa-app-store
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore ../AppleDistribution.p12
-provisioning-profile AppleDistribution.mobileprofile
myApp.swf icons Default.png Assets.car
Type the entire command
on a single line; line breaks in the above example are only present
to make it easier to read.
Also, the example assumes that the path to the ADT tool is on your command-line shell's path definition (see Path environment variables for help). You must run the command from the directory containing the application files. The application files in the example are myApp-app xml(the application descriptor file), myApp.swf, icons directory, the Default.png file and Assets.car.