To migrate an AIR application to a new certificate while
updating the application:
Create an update to your application
Package and sign the update AIR file with the new certificate
Sign the AIR file again with the original certificate
using the -migrate command
An AIR file signed with the -migrate command
can also be used to install a new version of the application, in
addition to being used to update any previous version signed with
the old certificate.
Note: When updating an application published for a version of AIR
earlier than1.5.3, specify the original publisher ID in the application
descriptor. Otherwise, users of your application must uninstall
the earlier version before installing the update.
Use the ADT -migrate command with following
adt -migrate SIGNING_OPTIONS air_file_in air_file_out
SIGNING_OPTIONS The signing options identify the
private key and certificate with which to sign the AIR file. These
options must identify the original signing certificate and
are described in ADT code signing options.
air_file_in The AIR file for the update, signed with
the new certificate.
air_file_out The AIR file to create.
Note: The filenames used for the input and output AIR files must
be different.
The following example demonstrates calling ADT with the -migrate flag
to apply a migration signature to an updated version of an AIR application:
adt -migrate -storetype pkcs12 -keystore cert.p12 myAppIn.air myApp.air
Note: The -migrate command was added to ADT in
the AIR 1.1 release.