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DateTimeFormatter  - AS3

Classpublic final class DateTimeFormatter
InheritanceDateTimeFormatter Inheritance Object

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

The DateTimeFormatter class provides locale-sensitive formatting for Date objects and access to localized date field names. The methods of this class use functions and settings provided by the operating system.

There are two ways to select a date time format: using a predefined pattern or a custom pattern. For most applications the predefined styles specified by the DateTimeStyle constants (LONG, MEDIUM, NONE, or SHORT should be used. These constants specify the default patterns for the requested locale or the default patterns based on the user's operating system settings.

For example the following code creates a date string using the default short date format:

     var df:DateTimeFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter(LocaleID.DEFAULT, DateTimeStyle.SHORT, DateTimeStyle.NONE);
     var currentDate:Date = new Date();
     var shortDate:String = df.format(currentDate);

When an instance of this class is created, if the requested locale is supported by the operating system then the properties of the instance are set according to the conventions and defaults of the requested locale and the constructor's dateStyle and timeStyle parameters. If the requested locale is not available, then the properties are set according to a fallback or default system locale, which can be retrieved using the actualLocaleIDName property.

This class contains additional methods to get localized strings for month names and weekday names, and to retrieve the first day of the week that can be used in a calendar picker or other similar application.

Due to the use of the user's settings, the use of formatting patterns provided by the operating system, and the use of a fallback locale when a requested locale is not supported, different users can see different formatting results even when using the same locale ID.

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Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  actualLocaleIDName : String
[read-only] The name of the actual locale ID used by this DateTimeFormatter object.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  lastOperationStatus : String
[read-only] The status of previous operation that this DateTimeFormatter object performed.
  requestedLocaleIDName : String
[read-only] The name of the requested locale ID that was passed to the constructor of this DateTimeFormatter object.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
DateTimeFormatter(requestedLocaleIDName:String, dateStyle:String = "long", timeStyle:String = "long")
Constructs a new DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times according to the conventions of the specified locale and the provided date and time formatting styles.
Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in the user's local time (using the local time components of the Date object such as: date, day, fullYear, hours, minutes, month, and seconds).
Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in UTC time (using the UTC components of the Date object such as: dateUTC, dayUTC, fullYearUTC, hoursUTC, minutesUTC, monthUTC, and secondsUTC), according to the dateStyle, timeStyle or date time pattern.
[static] Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class.
Gets the date style for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter.
Returns the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.
Returns an integer corresponding to the first day of the week for this locale and calendar system.
getMonthNames(nameStyle:String = "full", context:String = "standalone"):Vector.<String>
Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the month names for the current calendar system.
Gets the time style for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter.
getWeekdayNames(nameStyle:String = "full", context:String = "standalone"):Vector.<String>
Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the names of weekdays for the current calendar system.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.
setDateTimeStyles(dateStyle:String, timeStyle:String):void
Sets the date and time styles for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail


actualLocaleIDName:String  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

The name of the actual locale ID used by this DateTimeFormatter object.

There are three possibilities for the value of the name, depending on operating system and the value of the requestedLocaleIDName parameter passed to the Collator() constructor.

  1. If the requested locale was not LocaleID.DEFAULT and the operating system provides support for the requested locale, then the name returned is the same as the requestedLocaleIDName property.
  2. If LocaleID.DEFAULT was used as the value for the requestedLocaleIDName parameter to the constructor, then the name of the current locale specified by the user's operating system is used. The LocaleID.DEFAULT value preserves user's customized setting in the OS. Passing an explicit value as the requestedLocaleIDName parameter does not necessarily give the same result as using the LocaleID.DEFAULT even if the two locale ID names are the same. The user might have customized the locale settings on their machine, and by requesting an explicit locale ID name rather than using LocaleID.DEFAULT your application would not retrieve those customized settings.
  3. If the system does not support the requestedLocaleIDName specified in the constructor then a fallback locale ID name is provided.

    public function get actualLocaleIDName():String

Related API Elements


lastOperationStatus:String  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

The status of previous operation that this DateTimeFormatter object performed. The lastOperationStatus property is set whenever the constructor or a method of this class is called, or another property is set. For the possible values see the description for each method.

    public function get lastOperationStatus():String

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requestedLocaleIDName:String  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

The name of the requested locale ID that was passed to the constructor of this DateTimeFormatter object.

If the LocaleID.DEFAULT value was used then the name returned is "i-default". The actual locale used can differ from the requested locale when a fallback locale is applied. The name of the actual locale can be retrieved using the actualLocaleIDName property.

    public function get requestedLocaleIDName():String

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Constructor Detail


public function DateTimeFormatter(requestedLocaleIDName:String, dateStyle:String = "long", timeStyle:String = "long")

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Constructs a new DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times according to the conventions of the specified locale and the provided date and time formatting styles. Date and time styles are used to set date and time formatting patterns to predefined, locale dependent patterns from the operating system.

This constructor determines if the current operating system supports the requested locale ID name. If it is not supported then a fallback locale is used instead. The name of the fallback locale ID can be determined from the actualLocaleIDName property.

If a fallback is used for any of the requestedLocaleIDName, dateStyle or timeStyle parameters then the lastOperationStatus property is set to indicate the type of fallback.

To format based on the user's current operating system preferences, pass the value LocaleID.DEFAULT in the requestedLocaleIDName parameter to the constructor.

When the constructor is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

When the requested locale ID name is not available then the lastOperationStatus is set to one of the following:

  • LastOperationStatus.USING_FALLBACK_WARNING
  • LastOperationStatus.USING_DEFAULT_WARNING

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

For details on the warnings listed above and other possible values of the lastOperationStatus property see the descriptions in the LastOperationStatus class.

requestedLocaleIDName:String — The preferred locale ID name to use when determining date or time formats.
dateStyle:String (default = "long") — Specifies the style to use when formatting dates. The value corresponds to one of the values enumerated by the DateTimeStyle class:
  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE
timeStyle:String (default = "long") — Specifies the style to use when formatting times. The value corresponds to one of the values enumerated by the DateTimeStyle class:
  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE

ArgumentError — if the dateStyle or timeStyle parameter is not a valid DateTimeStyle constant.
TypeError — if the dateStyle or timeStyle parameter is null.

Related API Elements

Method Detail


public function format(dateTime:Date):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in the user's local time (using the local time components of the Date object such as: date, day, fullYear, hours, minutes, month, and seconds). The formatting is done using the conventions of the locale ID and the date style and time style, or customized date pattern and time pattern, specified for this DateTimeFormatter instance.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.


dateTime:Date — A Date value to be formatted. Valid range is from Jan 1, 1601 to Dec 31, 30827.

String — A formatted string representing the date or time value.

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public function formatUTC(dateTime:Date):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Formats a display string for a Date object that is interpreted as being in UTC time (using the UTC components of the Date object such as: dateUTC, dayUTC, fullYearUTC, hoursUTC, minutesUTC, monthUTC, and secondsUTC), according to the dateStyle, timeStyle or date time pattern. The formatting is done using the conventions of the locale ID and the date style and time style, or customized date pattern and time pattern, specified for this DateTimeFormatter instance.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.


dateTime:Date — A Date value to be formatted. Valid range is from Jan 1, 1601 to Dec 31, 30827.

String — A formatted string representing the date or time value.

Related API Elements


public static function getAvailableLocaleIDNames():Vector.<String>

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Lists all of the locale ID names supported by this class.

If this class is not supported on the current operating system, this method returns a null value.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

Vector.<String> — A vector of strings containing all of the locale ID names supported by this class.

Related API Elements


public function getDateStyle():String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Gets the date style for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter. The date style is used to retrieve a predefined date formatting pattern from the operating system. The date style value can be set by the DateTimeFormatter() constructor, the setDateTimeStyles() method or the setDateTimePattern() method.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

String — The date style string for this formatter.

Possible values:

  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE
  • DateTimeStyle.CUSTOM

Related API Elements


public function getDateTimePattern():String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Returns the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.

This pattern can be set in one of three ways:

  1. By the dateStyle and timeStyle parameters used in the constructor
  2. By the setDateTimeStyles() method
  3. By the setDateTimePattern() method.

For a description of the pattern syntax, see the setDateTimePattern() method.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

String — A string containing the pattern used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.

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public function getFirstWeekday():int

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Returns an integer corresponding to the first day of the week for this locale and calendar system. A value of 0 corresponds to Sunday, 1 corresponds to Monday, and so on, with 6 corresponding to Saturday.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

int — An integer corresponding to the first day of the week for this locale and calendar system.

Related API Elements


public function getMonthNames(nameStyle:String = "full", context:String = "standalone"):Vector.<String>

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the month names for the current calendar system. The first element in the list is the name for the first month of the year.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.


nameStyle:String (default = "full") — Indicates the style of name string to be used. Valid values are:
  • DateTimeNameStyle.FULL
context:String (default = "standalone") — A code indicating the context in which the formatted string is used. This context makes a difference only for certain locales. Valid values are:
  • DateTimeNameContext.FORMAT
  • DateTimeNameContext.STANDALONE

Vector.<String> — A vector of localized strings containing the month names for the specified locale, name style, and context. The first element in the vector, at index 0, is the name for the first month of the year; the next element is the name for the second month of the year; and so on.

TypeError — if the nameStyle or context parameter is null.

Related API Elements


public function getTimeStyle():String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Gets the time style for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter. The time style is used to retrieve a predefined time formatting pattern from the operating system. The time style value can be set by the DateTimeFormatter() constructor, the setDateTimeStyles() method or the setDateTimePattern() method.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.

String — The time style string for this formatter.

Possible values:

  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE
  • DateTimeStyle.CUSTOM

Related API Elements


public function getWeekdayNames(nameStyle:String = "full", context:String = "standalone"):Vector.<String>

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Retrieves a list of localized strings containing the names of weekdays for the current calendar system. The first element in the list represents the name for Sunday.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.


nameStyle:String (default = "full") — Indicates the style of name string to be used. Valid values are:
  • DateTimeNameStyle.FULL
context:String (default = "standalone") — A code indicating the context in which the formatted string is used. This context only applies for certain locales where the name of a month changes depending on the context. For example, in Greek the month names are different if they are displayed alone versus displayed along with a day. Valid values are:
  • DateTimeNameContext.FORMAT
  • DateTimeNameContext.STANDALONE

Vector.<String> — A vector of localized strings containing the month names for the specified locale, name style, and context. The first element in the vector, at index 0, is the name for Sunday; the next element is the name for Monday; and so on.

TypeError — if the nameStyle or context parameter is null.

Related API Elements


public function setDateTimePattern(pattern:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Sets the pattern string used by this DateTimeFormatter object to format dates and times.

The pattern used to format dates can be set in one of three ways:

  1. By the dateStyle and timeStyle parameters used in the constructor
  2. By the setDateTimeStyles() method
  3. By this setDateTimePattern() method.

As a side effect this method overrides the current time and date styles for this DateTimeFormatter object and set them to the value DateTimeStyle.CUSTOM.

A pattern string defines how date and times are formatted. The pattern contains sequences of letters that are replaced with date and time values in the formatted string. For example, in the pattern "yyyy/MM" the characters "yyyy" are replaced with a four-digit year, followed by a "/" character, and the characters "MM" are replaced with a two-digit month.

Many of the letters used in patterns can be repeated more than once to produce different outputs, as described in the table below.

If a sequence exceeds the maximum number of letters supported by a pattern, it is mapped back to the longest supported sequence for that pattern letter. For example:

  • MMMMMM is replaced with MMMM
  • dddd is replaced with dd
  • EEEEEEE is replaced with EEEE
  • aa is replaced with a
  • hhh is replaced with hh
  • mmmm is replaced with mm

In theory a pattern can contain up to 255 characters, but some platforms have stricter limit. If the pattern exceeds the pattern character limit, the lastOperationStatus property is set to the value LastOperationStatus.PATTERN_SYNTAX_ERROR.

Not all possible patterns are supported on each operating system. If a pattern is not supported on the platform then a fallback pattern is used and the lastOperationStatus property is set to indicate the use of a fallback. If no reasonable fallback pattern can be provided, an empty string is used and the lastOperationStatus property is set to indicate that the pattern was unsupported.

The following table describes the valid pattern letters and their meaning.

Pattern letterDescription
GEra. Replaced by the Era string for the current date and calendar. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems. On operating systems that do not support the era, the letters of the input pattern are replaced by an empty string.

There can be one to five letters in era patterns that are interpreted as follows:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one to three, the abbreviated form is used.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as the full form.
  • If the number of pattern letters is five, the format is interpreted as the short abbreviation.

Examples with the Gregorian Calendar(for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • G, GG, GGG = AD
  • GGGG = Anno Domini
  • GGGGG = A
yYear. If the number of pattern letters is two, the last two digits of the year are displayed; otherwise the number of letters determines the number of digits. If the year value requires more digits than provided by the number of letters, then the full year value is provided. If there are more letters than required by the value, then the year values are padded with zeros. The following list shows the results for the years 1 and 2005.


  • y = 1
  • y = 2005
  • yy = 01
  • yy = 05
  • yyyy = 0001 or 01, Depending on the operating system.
  • yyyy = 2005
  • yyyyy = 01 or 0001, Depending on the operating system. More than four y's fall back to the maximum number of digits supported on the operating system.
  • yyyyy = 2005
M Month in year. There can be one to five letters in month patterns that are interpreted as follows:
  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one or two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is three, the format is interpreted as the long abbreviation.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as the full name.
  • If the number of pattern letters is five, the format is interpreted as the short abbreviation. This format is not supported on all operating systems and falls back to the long abbreviation.


  • M = 7
  • MM = 07
  • MMM = Jul, 7月
  • MMMM = July, 7月
  • MMMMM = J or Jul, 7 or 7月 depending on the operating system.
d Day of the month. There can be one or two letters in day of the month patterns that are interpreted as follows:
  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one or two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.


  • d = 4
  • dd = 04
  • dd = 14
EDay in week. There can be one to five letters in day of the week patterns that are interpreted as follows:
  • If the number of pattern letters is one to three, the format is interpreted as the long abbreviation.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as the full name.
  • If the number of pattern letters is five, the format is interpreted as the short abbreviation. This format is not supported on all operating systems and falls back to the long abbreviation.


  • E, EE, EEE = Tues
  • EEEE = Tuesday
  • EEEEE = T or Tues depending on the operating system.
QQuarter. Some platforms do not support this pattern. There can be one to four letters in quarter patterns that are interpreted as follows:
  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one digit.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is three, the format is interpreted as the abbreviation.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as the full name.

Examples (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • Q = 2
  • QQ = 02
  • QQQ = Q2
  • QQQQ = second quarter
wWeek of the year. Some platforms do not support this pattern. There can be one to two letters in this pattern that are interpreted as follows.
  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format is interpreted as numeric in one or two digits.
  • If the number of pattern letters is two, the format is interpreted as numeric in two digits.

Examples for the second week of the year (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • w = 2
  • ww = 02
WWeek of the month. Some platforms do not support this pattern. This pattern allows one letter only.

Examples for the second week of July (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • W = 2
DDay of the year. Some platforms do not support this pattern. There can be one to three letters in this pattern.

Examples for the second day of the year (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • D = 2
  • DD = 02
  • DDD = 002
FOccurrence of a day of the week within a calendar month. For example, this element displays "3" if used to format the date for the third Monday in October. This pattern allows one letter only.

Examples for the second Wednesday in July (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • F = 2
aAM/PM indicator. This pattern allows one letter only, a or p.


  • a = AM, 午前
  • p = PM, 午後
hHour of the day in a 12-hour format [1 - 12]. This pattern must be one or two letters.


  • h = 1
  • h = 12
  • hh = 01
HHour of the day in a 24-hour format [0 - 23]. This pattern must be one or two letters.


  • H = 0
  • H = 23
  • HH = 00
KHour in the day in a 12-hour format [0 - 11]. This pattern must be one or two letters. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems.

Examples (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • K = 0
  • K = 11
  • KK = 00
kHour of the day in a 24-hour format [1 - 24]. This pattern must be one or two letters. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems.

Examples (for operating systems that support this pattern):

  • k = 1
  • k = 24
  • kk = 01
mMinute of the hour [0 - 59]. This pattern must be one or two letters.


  • m = 2
  • m = 59
  • mm = 02
sSeconds in the minute [0 - 59]. This pattern must be one or two letters.


  • s = 2
  • s = 59
  • ss = 02
SMilliseconds. This pattern must be one to five letters. The value is rounded according to the number of letters used. When five characters are used (SSSSS) it denotes fractional milliseconds.


  • S = 2
  • SS = 24
  • SSS = 235
  • SSSS = 2350
  • SSSSS = 23500
zTime Zone. Represents the time zone as a string that respects standard or daylight time, without referring to a specific location. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems. On operating systems that do not support time zone patterns, the letters of the input pattern are replaced by an empty string. On operating systems that do support this pattern, not all locales have a defined string. Those locales fall back to a localized GMT format such as GMT-08:00 or GW-08:00

There must be one to four letters in this time zone pattern, interpreted as follows:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one to three, the format is interpreted as abbreviated form.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format is interpreted as the full name.

Examples for operating systems that support this format:

  • z, zz, zzz = PDT
  • z, zz, zzz = PST
  • z, zz, zzz = GMT-0800
  • zzzz = Pacific Daylight Time
  • zzzz = Pacific Standard Time
ZTime Zone. Represents the time zone as an offset from GMT. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems. On operating systems that do not support time zone patterns, the letters of the input pattern are replaced by an empty string.

There must be one to four letters in this time zone pattern, interpreted as follows:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one to three, the format uses the RFC 822 format.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format uses the localized GMT format. This falls back to the non-localized GMT format for locales that do not have a localized GMT format.

Examples for operating systems that support this format:

  • Z, ZZ, ZZZ = -0800
  • ZZZZ = GMT-08:00, GW-08:00
vTime Zone. A string reflecting the generic time zone that does not refer to a specific location or distinguish between daylight savings time or standard time. This pattern is not supported on all operating systems. On operating systems that do not support time zone patterns the letters of the input pattern are replaced by an empty string. On operating systems that support this pattern, fallback strings are provided if a localized name is not available.

There must be one or four letters in this time zone pattern, interpreted as follows:

  • If the number of pattern letters is one, the format uses the abbreviated form.
  • If the number of pattern letters is four, the format uses the full form.

Examples for operating systems that support this format:

  • v = PT
  • vvvv = Pacific Time
'Other text'Text and punctuation may be included in the pattern string. However the characters from a to z and A to Z, are reserved as syntax characters and must be enclosed in single quotes to be included in the formatted string. To include a single quote in the result string, two single quotes must be used in the pattern string. The two single quotes may appear inside or outside a quoted portion of the pattern string. An unmatched pair of single quotes is terminated at the end of the string.


  • EEEE, MMM. d, yyyy 'at' h 'o''clock' a= Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2005 at 1 o'clock PM
  • yyyy年M月d日 = 2005年9月8日
  • mm''ss'' = 43'01'

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.



TypeError — if the pattern parameter is null.

Related API Elements


public function setDateTimeStyles(dateStyle:String, timeStyle:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10.1, AIR 2

Sets the date and time styles for this instance of the DateTimeFormatter. Date and time styles are used to set date and time formatting patterns to predefined, locale-dependent patterns from the operating system. This method replaces the styles that were set using the DateTimeFormatter() constructor or using the setDateTimePattern() method. The date and time pattern is also updated based on the styles that are set.

When this method is called and it completes successfully, the lastOperationStatus property is set to:

  • LastOperationStatus.NO_ERROR

Otherwise the lastOperationStatus property is set to one of the constants defined in the LastOperationStatus class.


dateStyle:String — Specifies the style to use when formatting dates. The value corresponds to one of the values enumerated by the DateTimeStyle class:
  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE
timeStyle:String — Specifies the style to use when formatting times. The value corresponds to one of the values enumerated by the DateTimeStyle class:
  • DateTimeStyle.LONG
  • DateTimeStyle.MEDIUM
  • DateTimeStyle.SHORT
  • DateTimeStyle.NONE

ArgumentError — if the dateStyle or timeStyle parameter is not a valid DateTimeStyle constant.
TypeError — if the dateStyle or timeStyle parameter is null.

Related API Elements

The following examples shows how strings that represent date and time values can be formatted differently based on the locale. The output from this example will differ based on the operating system and user preferences.

This example uses the following locales: English (US), French (France), Spanish (Spain).

The example does the following for each locale in the list:

  1. Creates a DateTimeFormatter object using the default style (long dateStyle, long timeStyle)
  2. Formats the current date and time using the default long date style.
  3. Change to a time-only short date style using the DateTimeStyle.NONE and DateTimeStyle.SHORT constants.
  4. Formats the current date and time using the time-only short date style.
package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter;
    import flash.globalization.DateTimeStyle;
    public class DateTimeFormatterExample extends Sprite
        private var localeList:Array = new Array("en-US", "fr-FR", "es-ES");
        public function DateTimeFormatterExample()
            var date:Date = new Date();
            for each (var locale:String in localeList) {
                var dtf:DateTimeFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter(locale);
                trace('\n' + "LocaleID requested=" + dtf.requestedLocaleIDName 
                    + "; actual=" + dtf.actualLocaleIDName);
                var longDate:String = dtf.format(date);
                trace(longDate + " (" + dtf.getDateTimePattern() + ")");
                dtf.setDateTimeStyles(DateTimeStyle.NONE, DateTimeStyle.SHORT);
                var shortDate:String = dtf.format(date);
                trace(shortDate + " (" + dtf.getDateTimePattern() + ")");

The following example shows how an application can format a date based on a pattern selected by the user. The output from this example will differ based on the operating system and user preferences.

The example does the following for each locale in the list:

  1. Creates three input and output text fields.
  2. Creates a DateTimeFormatter object using the American English locale.
  3. Calls the configureTextField() function which sets the position and size of the text fields and adds an event listener to the patternField object.
  4. When the user enters pattern in the patternField text field, the textInputHandler function formats the current date and time using the pattern, and displays the result and the lastOperationStatus value the in output text fields.
package {  
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.globalization.DateTimeFormatter;
    import flash.text.*;
    public class DateTimePatternExample extends Sprite
        private var patternField:TextField = new TextField();
        private var resultField:TextField = new TextField();
        private var statusField:TextField = new TextField();
           private var date:Date = new Date();
         private var dtf:DateTimeFormatter = new DateTimeFormatter("en-US");           
        private function configureTextField():void
            patternField.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
            patternField.width = 300;
            patternField.height = 20;
            patternField.background = true;
            patternField.border = true;
            resultField.y = 40;
            resultField.width = 300;
            resultField.height = 20;
            statusField.y = 80;
            statusField.width = 300;
            statusField.height = 20;


        private function textInputHandler(event:Event):void
            statusField.text = dtf.lastOperationStatus;
            resultField.text = dtf.format(date);

        public function DateTimePatternExample()