BETA ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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The flashx.textLayout.elements package contains the core classes used for representing text content in the Text Layout Framework.

 IConfiguration Read-only interface to a configuration object.
 IFormatResolver Interface to a format resolver.
 BreakElement The BreakElement class defines a line break, which provides for creating a line break in the text without creating a new paragraph.
 Configuration The Configuration class is a primary point of integration between the Text Layout Framework and an application.
 ContainerFormattedElement ContainerFormattedElement is the root class for all container-level block elements, such as DivElement and TextFlow objects.
 DivElement The DivElement class defines an element for grouping paragraphs (ParagraphElement objects).
 FlowElement The text in a flow is stored in tree form with the elements of the tree representing logical divisions within the text.
 FlowGroupElement The FlowGroupElement class is the base class for FlowElement objects that can have an array of children.
 FlowLeafElement Base class for FlowElements that appear at the lowest level of the flow hierarchy.
 GlobalSettings Configuration that applies to all TextFlow objects.
 InlineGraphicElement The InlineGraphicElement class handles graphic objects that display inline in the text.
 InlineGraphicElementStatus The InlineGraphicElementStatus class defines a set of constants for checking the value of InlineGraphicElement.status.
 LinkElement The LinkElement class defines a link to a URI (Universal Resource Identifier), which is executed when the user clicks it.
 LinkState The LinkState class defines a set of constants for the linkState property of the LinkElement class.
 ListElement The List class is used for grouping together items into a numbered or unnumbered list.
 ListItemElement ListItemElement is an item in a list.
 OverflowPolicy The OverflowPolicy class defines a set of constants for the overflowPolicy property of the IConfiguration class.
 ParagraphElement The ParagraphElement class represents a paragraph in the text flow hierarchy.
 ParagraphFormattedElement The ParagraphFormattedElement class is an abstract base class for FlowElement classes that have paragraph properties.
 SpanElement The SpanElement class represents a run of text that has a single set of formatting attributes applied.
 SpecialCharacterElement The SpecialCharacterElement class is an abstract base class for elements that represent special characters.
 SubParagraphGroupElement The SubParagraphGroupElement is a grouping element for FlowLeafElements and other classes that extend SubParagraphGroupElementBase.
 SubParagraphGroupElementBase The SubParagraphGroupElementBase class groups FlowLeafElements together.
 TabElement The TabElement class represents a <tab/> in the text flow.
 TCYElement The TCYElement (Tatechuuyoko - ta-tae-chu-yo-ko) class is a subclass of SubParagraphGroupElementBase that causes text to draw horizontally within a vertical line.
 TextFlow The TextFlow class is responsible for managing all the text content of a story.
 TextRange A read only class that describes a range of contiguous text.