BETA ActionScript® 3.0 Reference for the Adobe® Flash® Platform
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FlowElement  - AS3

Classpublic class FlowElement
InheritanceFlowElement Inheritance Object
Implements ITextLayoutFormat
Subclasses FlowGroupElement, FlowLeafElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

The text in a flow is stored in tree form with the elements of the tree representing logical divisions within the text. The FlowElement class is the abstract base class of all the objects in this tree. FlowElement objects represent paragraphs, spans of text within paragraphs, and groups of paragraphs.

The root of a composable FlowElement tree is always a TextFlow object. Leaf elements of the tree are always subclasses of the FlowLeafElement class. All leaves arranged in a composable TextFlow have a ParagraphElement ancestor.

You cannot create a FlowElement object directly. Invoking new FlowElement() throws an error exception.

Related API Elements

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  alignmentBaseline : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns.
  backgroundAlpha : *
TextLayoutFormat: Alpha (transparency) value for the background (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  backgroundColor : *
TextLayoutFormat: Background color of the text (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  baselineShift : *
TextLayoutFormat: Amount to shift the baseline from the dominantBaseline value.
  blockProgression : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies a vertical or horizontal progression of line placement.
  breakOpportunity : *
TextLayoutFormat: Controls where lines are allowed to break when breaking wrapping text into multiple lines.
  cffHinting : *
TextLayoutFormat: The type of CFF hinting used for this text.
  clearFloats : *
TextLayoutFormat: Controls how text wraps around a float.
  color : *
TextLayoutFormat: Color of the text.
  columnCount : *
TextLayoutFormat: Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  columnGap : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  columnWidth : *
TextLayoutFormat: Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  computedFormat : flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat
[read-only] Returns the computed format attributes that are in effect for this element.
 Inheritedconstructor : Object
A reference to the class object or constructor function for a given object instance.
  coreStyles : Object
[read-only] Returns the coreStyles on this FlowElement.
  digitCase : *
TextLayoutFormat: The type of digit case used for this text.
  digitWidth : *
TextLayoutFormat: Type of digit width used for this text.
  direction : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the default bidirectional embedding level of the text in the text block.
  dominantBaseline : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies which element baseline snaps to the alignmentBaseline to determine the vertical position of the element on the line.
  firstBaselineOffset : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the baseline position of the first line in the container.
  fontFamily : *
TextLayoutFormat: The name of the font to use, or a comma-separated list of font names.
  fontLookup : *
TextLayoutFormat: Font lookup to use.
  fontSize : *
TextLayoutFormat: The size of the text in pixels.
  fontStyle : *
TextLayoutFormat: Style of text.
  fontWeight : *
TextLayoutFormat: Weight of text.
  format : flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat
TextLayoutFormat properties applied directly to this element.
  id : String
Assigns an identifying name to the element, making it possible to set a style for the element by referencing the id.
  justificationRule : *
TextLayoutFormat: Rule used to justify text in a paragraph.
  justificationStyle : *
TextLayoutFormat: The style used for justification of the paragraph.
  kerning : *
TextLayoutFormat: Kerning adjusts the pixels between certain character pairs to improve readability.
  leadingModel : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction.
  ligatureLevel : *
TextLayoutFormat: Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text.
  lineBreak : *
TextLayoutFormat: Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  lineHeight : *
TextLayoutFormat: Leading controls for the text.
  lineThrough : *
TextLayoutFormat: If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text.
  linkActiveFormat : *
TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state.
  linkHoverFormat : *
TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link.
  linkNormalFormat : *
TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state.
  listAutoPadding : *
TextLayoutFormat: This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto.
  listMarkerFormat : *
TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes list markers.
  listStylePosition : *
TextLayoutFormat: Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT. Default value is undefined indicating not set. If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor.
  listStyleType : *
TextLayoutFormat: Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT. Default value is undefined indicating not set. If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor.
  locale : *
TextLayoutFormat: The locale of the text.
  paddingBottom : *
TextLayoutFormat: Bottom inset in pixels.
  paddingLeft : *
TextLayoutFormat: Left inset in pixels.
  paddingRight : *
TextLayoutFormat: Right inset in pixels.
  paddingTop : *
TextLayoutFormat: Top inset in pixels.
  paragraphEndIndent : *
TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the paragraph's end edge.
  paragraphSpaceAfter : *
TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies the amount of space, in pixels, to leave after the paragraph.
  paragraphSpaceBefore : *
TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies the amount of space, in pixels, to leave before the paragraph.
  paragraphStartIndent : *
TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the paragraph's start edge.
  parent : FlowGroupElement
[read-only] Returns the parent of this FlowElement object.
  parentRelativeEnd : int
[read-only] Returns the relative end of this FlowElement object in the parent.
  parentRelativeStart : int
[read-only] Returns the relative start of this FlowElement object in the parent.
  renderingMode : *
TextLayoutFormat: The rendering mode used for this text.
  styleName : *
TextLayoutFormat: Assigns an identifying class to the element, making it possible to set a style for the element by referencing the styleName.
  styles : Object
[read-only] Returns the styles on this FlowElement.
  tabStops : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the tab stops associated with the paragraph.
  textAlign : *
TextLayoutFormat: Alignment of lines in the paragraph relative to the container.
  textAlignLast : *
TextLayoutFormat: Alignment of the last (or only) line in the paragraph relative to the container in justified text.
  textAlpha : *
TextLayoutFormat: Alpha (transparency) value for the text.
  textDecoration : *
TextLayoutFormat: Decoration on text.
  textIndent : *
TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the first line of the paragraph.
  textJustify : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies options for justifying text.
  textLength : int
[read-only] Returns the total length of text owned by this FlowElement object and its children.
  textRotation : *
TextLayoutFormat: Determines the number of degrees to rotate this text.
  tracking : Object
[write-only] Sets the tracking and is synonymous with the trackingRight property.
  trackingLeft : *
TextLayoutFormat: Number in pixels (or percent of fontSize, like 120%) indicating the amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the left of each character.
  trackingRight : *
TextLayoutFormat: Number in pixels (or percent of fontSize, like 120%) indicating the amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the right of each character.
  typeName : String
Each FlowElement has a typeName.
  typographicCase : *
TextLayoutFormat: The type of typographic case used for this text.
  userStyles : Object
Allows you to read and write user styles on a FlowElement object.
  verticalAlign : *
TextLayoutFormat: Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade).
  whiteSpaceCollapse : *
TextLayoutFormat: Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow.
  wordSpacing : *
TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the optimum, minimum, and maximum spacing (as a multiplier of the width of a normal space) between words to use during justification.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Base class - invoking new FlowElement() throws an error exception.
Clears the style specified by the styleProp parameter from this FlowElement object.
deepCopy(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1):FlowElement
Makes a deep copy of this FlowElement object, including any children, copying the content between the two specified character positions and returning the copy as a FlowElement object.
Compare the userStyles of this with otherElement's userStyles.
Returns the start location of the element in the text flow as an absolute index.
Returns the character at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement object.
Returns the character code at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement.
Returns the start of this element relative to an ancestor element.
Returns the next FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.
Returns the ParagraphElement object associated with this element.
Returns the previous FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.
Returns the value of the style specified by the styleProp parameter, which specifies the style name and can include any user style name.
getText(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, paragraphSeparator:String = " "):String
Gets the specified range of text from a flow element.
Climbs the text flow hierarchy to return the root TextFlow object for the element.
Indicates whether an object has a specified property defined.
Called for MXML objects after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized.
Indicates whether an instance of the Object class is in the prototype chain of the object specified as the parameter.
Indicates whether the specified property exists and is enumerable.
Sets the availability of a dynamic property for loop operations.
setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:*):void
Sets the style specified by the styleProp parameter to the value specified by the newValue parameter.
shallowCopy(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1):FlowElement
Makes a copy of this FlowElement object, copying the content between two specified character positions.
Splits this FlowElement object at the position specified by the relativePosition parameter, which is a relative position in the text for this element.
Returns the string representation of this object, formatted according to locale-specific conventions.
Returns the string representation of the specified object.
Returns the primitive value of the specified object.
Property Detail



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the baseline to which the dominant baseline aligns. For example, if you set dominantBaseline to ASCENT, setting alignmentBaseline to DESCENT aligns the top of the text with the DESCENT baseline, or below the line. The largest element in the line generally determines the baselines.


Legal values are TextBaseline.ROMAN, TextBaseline.ASCENT, TextBaseline.DESCENT, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_BOTTOM, TextBaseline.USE_DOMINANT_BASELINE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextBaseline.USE_DOMINANT_BASELINE.

    public function get alignmentBaseline():*
    public function set alignmentBaseline(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Alpha (transparency) value for the background (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). A value of 0 is fully transparent, and a value of 1 is fully opaque. Display objects with alpha set to 0 are active, even though they are invisible.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 1 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of 1.

    public function get backgroundAlpha():*
    public function set backgroundAlpha(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Background color of the text (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Can be either the constant value BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT, or a hexadecimal value that specifies the three 8-bit RGB (red, green, blue) values; for example, 0xFF0000 is red and 0x00FF00 is green.

Legal values as a string are BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT, FormatValue.INHERIT and uints from 0x0 to 0xffffffff.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of BackgroundColor.TRANSPARENT.

    public function get backgroundColor():*
    public function set backgroundColor(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Amount to shift the baseline from the dominantBaseline value. Units are in pixels, or a percentage of fontSize (in which case, enter a string value, like 140%). Positive values shift the line up for horizontal text (right for vertical) and negative values shift it down for horizontal (left for vertical).

Legal values are BaselineShift.SUPERSCRIPT, BaselineShift.SUBSCRIPT, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Legal values as a number are from -1000 to 1000.

Legal values as a percent are numbers from -1000 to 1000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.0.

    public function get baselineShift():*
    public function set baselineShift(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies a vertical or horizontal progression of line placement. Lines are either placed top-to-bottom (BlockProgression.TB, used for horizontal text) or right-to-left (BlockProgression.RL, used for vertical text).

Legal values are BlockProgression.RL, BlockProgression.TB, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of BlockProgression.TB.

    public function get blockProgression():*
    public function set blockProgression(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Controls where lines are allowed to break when breaking wrapping text into multiple lines. Set to BreakOpportunity.AUTO to break text normally. Set to BreakOpportunity.NONE to not break the text unless the text would overrun the measure and there are no other places to break the line. Set to BreakOpportunity.ANY to allow the line to break anywhere, rather than just between words. Set to BreakOpportunity.ALL to have each typographic cluster put on a separate line (useful for text on a path).

Legal values are BreakOpportunity.ALL, BreakOpportunity.ANY, BreakOpportunity.AUTO, BreakOpportunity.NONE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of BreakOpportunity.AUTO.

    public function get breakOpportunity():*
    public function set breakOpportunity(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The type of CFF hinting used for this text. CFF hinting determines whether the Flash runtime forces strong horizontal stems to fit to a sub pixel grid or not. This property applies only if the renderingMode property is set to RenderingMode.CFF, and the font is embedded (fontLookup property is set to FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF). At small screen sizes, hinting produces a clear, legible text for human readers.

Legal values are CFFHinting.NONE, CFFHinting.HORIZONTAL_STEM, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of CFFHinting.HORIZONTAL_STEM.

    public function get cffHinting():*
    public function set cffHinting(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Controls how text wraps around a float. A value of none will allow the text to wrap most closely around a float. A value of left will cause the text to skip over any portion of the container that has a left float, and a value of right will cause the text to skip over any portion of the container that has a right float. A value of both will cause the text to skip over any floats.

Legal values are ClearFloats.START, ClearFloats.END, ClearFloats.LEFT, ClearFloats.RIGHT, ClearFloats.BOTH, ClearFloats.NONE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of ClearFloats.NONE.

    public function get clearFloats():*
    public function set clearFloats(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Color of the text. A hexadecimal number that specifies three 8-bit RGB (red, green, blue) values; for example, 0xFF0000 is red and 0x00FF00 is green.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get color():*
    public function set color(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Number of text columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). The column number overrides the other column settings. Value is an integer, or FormatValue.AUTO if unspecified. If columnCount is not specified,columnWidth is used to create as many columns as can fit in the container.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and from ints from 1 to 50.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get columnCount():*
    public function set columnCount(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the amount of gutter space, in pixels, to leave between the columns (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Value is a Number

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 1000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of 20.

    public function get columnGap():*
    public function set columnGap(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Column width in pixels (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). If you specify the width of the columns, but not the count, TextLayout will create as many columns of that width as possible, given the container width and columnGap settings. Any remainder space is left after the last column. Value is a Number.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from 0 to 8000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get columnWidth():*
    public function set columnWidth(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements


computedFormat:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the computed format attributes that are in effect for this element. Takes into account the inheritance of attributes from parent elements.

    public function get computedFormat():flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat

Related API Elements


coreStyles:Object  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the coreStyles on this FlowElement. Note that the getter makes a copy of the core styles dictionary. The coreStyles object encapsulates the formats that are defined by TextLayoutFormat and are in TextLayoutFormat.description. The coreStyles object consists of an array of stylename-value pairs.

    public function get coreStyles():Object

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The type of digit case used for this text. Setting the value to DigitCase.OLD_STYLE approximates lowercase letterforms with varying ascenders and descenders. The figures are proportionally spaced. This style is only available in selected typefaces, most commonly in a supplemental or expert font. The DigitCase.LINING setting has all-cap height and is typically monospaced to line up in charts.


Legal values are DigitCase.DEFAULT, DigitCase.LINING, DigitCase.OLD_STYLE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of DigitCase.DEFAULT.

    public function get digitCase():*
    public function set digitCase(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Type of digit width used for this text. This can be DigitWidth.PROPORTIONAL, which looks best for individual numbers, or DigitWidth.TABULAR, which works best for numbers in tables, charts, and vertical rows.


Legal values are DigitWidth.DEFAULT, DigitWidth.PROPORTIONAL, DigitWidth.TABULAR, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of DigitWidth.DEFAULT.

    public function get digitWidth():*
    public function set digitWidth(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the default bidirectional embedding level of the text in the text block. Left-to-right reading order, as in Latin-style scripts, or right-to-left reading order, as in Arabic or Hebrew. This property also affects column direction when it is applied at the container level. Columns can be either left-to-right or right-to-left, just like text. Below are some examples:


Legal values are Direction.LTR, Direction.RTL, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of Direction.LTR.

    public function get direction():*
    public function set direction(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies which element baseline snaps to the alignmentBaseline to determine the vertical position of the element on the line. A value of TextBaseline.AUTO selects the dominant baseline based on the locale property of the parent paragraph. For Japanese and Chinese, the selected baseline value is TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER; for all others it is TextBaseline.ROMAN. These baseline choices are determined by the choice of font and the font size.


Legal values are FormatValue.AUTO, TextBaseline.ROMAN, TextBaseline.ASCENT, TextBaseline.DESCENT, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER, TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_BOTTOM, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get dominantBaseline():*
    public function set dominantBaseline(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the baseline position of the first line in the container. Which baseline this property refers to depends on the container-level locale. For Japanese and Chinese, it is TextBaseline.IDEOGRAPHIC_BOTTOM; for all others it is TextBaseline.ROMAN. The offset from the top inset (or right inset if blockProgression is RL) of the container to the baseline of the first line can be either BaselineOffset.ASCENT, meaning equal to the ascent of the line, BaselineOffset.LINE_HEIGHT, meaning equal to the height of that first line, or any fixed-value number to specify an absolute distance. BaselineOffset.AUTO aligns the ascent of the line with the container top inset.


Legal values as a string are BaselineOffset.AUTO, BaselineOffset.ASCENT, BaselineOffset.LINE_HEIGHT, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from 0 to 1000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of BaselineOffset.AUTO.

    public function get firstBaselineOffset():*
    public function set firstBaselineOffset(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The name of the font to use, or a comma-separated list of font names. The Flash runtime renders the element with the first available font in the list. For example Arial, Helvetica, _sans causes the player to search for Arial, then Helvetica if Arial is not found, then _sans if neither is found.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of Arial.

    public function get fontFamily():*
    public function set fontFamily(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Font lookup to use. Specifying FontLookup.DEVICE uses the fonts installed on the system that is running the SWF file. Device fonts result in a smaller movie size, but text is not always rendered the same across different systems and platforms. Specifying FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF uses font outlines embedded in the published SWF file. Embedded fonts increase the size of the SWF file (sometimes dramatically), but text is consistently displayed in the chosen font.

Legal values are FontLookup.DEVICE, FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FontLookup.DEVICE.

    public function get fontLookup():*
    public function set fontLookup(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The size of the text in pixels.

Legal values are numbers from 1 to 720 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 12.

    public function get fontSize():*
    public function set fontSize(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Style of text. May be FontPosture.NORMAL, for use in plain text, or FontPosture.ITALIC for italic. This property applies only to device fonts (fontLookup property is set to flash.text.engine.FontLookup.DEVICE).

Legal values are FontPosture.NORMAL, FontPosture.ITALIC, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FontPosture.NORMAL.

    public function get fontStyle():*
    public function set fontStyle(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Weight of text. May be FontWeight.NORMAL for use in plain text, or FontWeight.BOLD. Applies only to device fonts (fontLookup property is set to flash.text.engine.FontLookup.DEVICE).

Legal values are FontWeight.NORMAL, FontWeight.BOLD, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FontWeight.NORMAL.

    public function get fontWeight():*
    public function set fontWeight(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



TextLayoutFormat properties applied directly to this element.

Each element may have properties applied to it as part of its format. Properties applied to this element override properties inherited from the parent. Properties applied to this element will in turn be inherited by element's children if they are not overridden on the child. If no properties are applied to the element, this will be null.

    public function get format():flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat
    public function set format(value:flashx.textLayout.formats:ITextLayoutFormat):void

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Assigns an identifying name to the element, making it possible to set a style for the element by referencing the id. For example, the following line sets the color for a SpanElement object that has an id of span1:

         textFlow.getElementByID("span1").setStyle("color", 0xFF0000);

    public function get id():String
    public function set id(value:String):void

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Rule used to justify text in a paragraph. Default value is FormatValue.AUTO, which justifies text based on the paragraph's locale property. For all languages except Japanese and Chinese, FormatValue.AUTO becomes JustificationRule.SPACE, which adds extra space to the space characters. For Japanese and Chinese, FormatValue.AUTO becomes JustficationRule.EAST_ASIAN. In part, justification changes the spacing of punctuation. In Roman text the comma and Japanese periods take a full character's width but in East Asian text only half of a character's width. Also, in the East Asian text the spacing between sequential punctuation marks becomes tighter, obeying traditional East Asian typographic conventions. Note, too, in the example below the leading that is applied to the second line of the paragraphs. In the East Asian version, the last two lines push left. In the Roman version, the second and following lines push left.


Legal values are JustificationRule.EAST_ASIAN, JustificationRule.SPACE, FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get justificationRule():*
    public function set justificationRule(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The style used for justification of the paragraph. Used only in conjunction with a justificationRule setting of JustificationRule.EAST_ASIAN. Default value of FormatValue.AUTO is resolved to JustificationStyle.PUSH_IN_KINSOKU for all locales. The constants defined by the JustificationStyle class specify options for handling kinsoku characters, which are Japanese characters that cannot appear at either the beginning or end of a line. If you want looser text, specify JustificationStyle.PUSH-OUT-ONLY. If you want behavior that is like what you get with the justificationRule of JustificationRule.SPACE, use JustificationStyle.PRIORITIZE-LEAST-ADJUSTMENT.

Legal values are JustificationStyle.PRIORITIZE_LEAST_ADJUSTMENT, JustificationStyle.PUSH_IN_KINSOKU, JustificationStyle.PUSH_OUT_ONLY, FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get justificationStyle():*
    public function set justificationStyle(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Kerning adjusts the pixels between certain character pairs to improve readability. Kerning is supported for all fonts with kerning tables.

Legal values are Kerning.ON, Kerning.OFF, Kerning.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of Kerning.AUTO.

    public function get kerning():*
    public function set kerning(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the leading model, which is a combination of leading basis and leading direction. Leading basis is the baseline to which the lineHeight property refers. Leading direction determines whether the lineHeight property refers to the distance of a line's baseline from that of the line before it or the line after it. The default value of FormatValue.AUTO is resolved based on the paragraph's locale property. For Japanese and Chinese, it is LeadingModel.IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN and for all others it is LeadingModel.ROMAN_UP.

Leading Basis:

leadingBasis1 leadingBasis2 leadingBasis3

Leading Direction:

leadingDirection1 leadingDirection2 leadingDirection3

Legal values are LeadingModel.ROMAN_UP, LeadingModel.IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_UP, LeadingModel.IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_UP, LeadingModel.IDEOGRAPHIC_TOP_DOWN, LeadingModel.IDEOGRAPHIC_CENTER_DOWN, LeadingModel.APPROXIMATE_TEXT_FIELD, LeadingModel.ASCENT_DESCENT_UP, LeadingModel.BOX, LeadingModel.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of LeadingModel.AUTO.

    public function get leadingModel():*
    public function set leadingModel(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Controls which of the ligatures that are defined in the font may be used in the text. The ligatures that appear for each of these settings is dependent on the font. A ligature occurs where two or more letter-forms are joined as a single glyph. Ligatures usually replace consecutive characters sharing common components, such as the letter pairs 'fi', 'fl', or 'ae'. They are used with both Latin and Non-Latin character sets. The ligatures enabled by the values of the LigatureLevel class - MINIMUM, COMMON, UNCOMMON, and EXOTIC - are additive. Each value enables a new set of ligatures, but also includes those of the previous types.

Note: When working with Arabic or Syriac fonts, ligatureLevel must be set to MINIMUM or above.


Legal values are LigatureLevel.MINIMUM, LigatureLevel.COMMON, LigatureLevel.UNCOMMON, LigatureLevel.EXOTIC, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of LigatureLevel.COMMON.

    public function get ligatureLevel():*
    public function set ligatureLevel(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Controls word wrapping within the container (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Text in the container may be set to fit the width of the container (LineBreak.TO_FIT), or can be set to break only at explicit return or line feed characters (LineBreak.EXPLICIT).

Legal values are LineBreak.EXPLICIT, LineBreak.TO_FIT, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of LineBreak.TO_FIT.

    public function get lineBreak():*
    public function set lineBreak(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Leading controls for the text. The distance from the baseline of the previous or the next line (based on LeadingModel) to the baseline of the current line is equal to the maximum amount of the leading applied to any character in the line. This is either a number or a percent. If specifying a percent, enter a string value, like 140%.


Legal values as a number are from -720 to 720.

Legal values as a percent are numbers from -1000% to 1000%.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 120%.

    public function get lineHeight():*
    public function set lineHeight(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: If true, applies strikethrough, a line drawn through the middle of the text.

Legal values are true, false and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of false.

    public function get lineThrough():*
    public function set lineThrough(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. This value will cascade down the hierarchy and apply to any links that are descendants. Accepts inherit, an ITextLayoutFormat or converts an array of objects with key and value as members to a TextLayoutFormat.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of null.

    public function get linkActiveFormat():*
    public function set linkActiveFormat(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in hover state, when the mouse is within the bounds (rolling over) a link. This value will cascade down the hierarchy and apply to any links that are descendants. Accepts inherit, an ITextLayoutFormat or converts an array of objects with key and value as members to a TextLayoutFormat.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of null.

    public function get linkHoverFormat():*
    public function set linkHoverFormat(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes used for links in normal state. This value will cascade down the hierarchy and apply to any links that are descendants. Accepts inherit, an ITextLayoutFormat or converts an array of objects with key and value as members to a TextLayoutFormat.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of null.

    public function get linkNormalFormat():*
    public function set linkNormalFormat(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: This specifies an auto indent for the start edge of lists when the padding value of the list on that side is auto.

Legal values are numbers from -1000 to 1000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 40.

    public function get listAutoPadding():*
    public function set listAutoPadding(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Defines the formatting attributes list markers. This value will cascade down the hierarchy and apply to any links that are descendants. Accepts inherit, an IListMarkerFormat or converts an array of objects with key and value as members to a ListMarkerFormat.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of null.

    public function get listMarkerFormat():*
    public function set listMarkerFormat(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5


Legal values are ListStylePosition.INSIDE, ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of ListStylePosition.OUTSIDE.

    public function get listStylePosition():*
    public function set listStylePosition(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5


Legal values are ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.LOWER_ROMAN, ListStyleType.NONE, ListStyleType.DISC, ListStyleType.CIRCLE, ListStyleType.SQUARE, ListStyleType.BOX, ListStyleType.CHECK, ListStyleType.DIAMOND, ListStyleType.HYPHEN, ListStyleType.ARABIC_INDIC, ListStyleType.BENGALI, ListStyleType.DECIMAL, ListStyleType.DECIMAL_LEADING_ZERO, ListStyleType.DEVANAGARI, ListStyleType.GUJARATI, ListStyleType.GURMUKHI, ListStyleType.KANNADA, ListStyleType.PERSIAN, ListStyleType.THAI, ListStyleType.URDU, ListStyleType.CJK_EARTHLY_BRANCH, ListStyleType.CJK_HEAVENLY_STEM, ListStyleType.HANGUL, ListStyleType.HANGUL_CONSTANT, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA, ListStyleType.HIRAGANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA, ListStyleType.KATAKANA_IROHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.LOWER_GREEK, ListStyleType.LOWER_LATIN, ListStyleType.UPPER_ALPHA, ListStyleType.UPPER_GREEK, ListStyleType.UPPER_LATIN, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of ListStyleType.DISC.

    public function get listStyleType():*
    public function set listStyleType(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The locale of the text. Controls case transformations and shaping. Standard locale identifiers as described in Unicode Technical Standard #35 are used. For example en, en_US and en-US are all English, ja is Japanese.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of en.

    public function get locale():*
    public function set locale(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Bottom inset in pixels. Default of auto is zero except in lists which get a start side padding of 45. (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Space between the bottom edge of the container and the text. Value is a Number or auto.

With horizontal text, in scrollable containers with multiple columns, the first and following columns will show the padding as blank space at the bottom of the container, but for the last column, if the text doesn't all fit, you may have to scroll in order to see the padding.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from -8000 to 8000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get paddingBottom():*
    public function set paddingBottom(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Left inset in pixels. Default of auto is zero except in lists which get a start side padding of 45. (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Space between the left edge of the container and the text. Value is a Number or auto.

With vertical text, in scrollable containers with multiple columns, the first and following columns will show the padding as blank space at the end of the container, but for the last column, if the text doesn't all fit, you may have to scroll in order to see the padding.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from -8000 to 8000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get paddingLeft():*
    public function set paddingLeft(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Right inset in pixels. Default of auto is zero except in lists which get a start side padding of 45. (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Space between the right edge of the container and the text. Value is a Number or auto.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from -8000 to 8000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get paddingRight():*
    public function set paddingRight(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Top inset in pixels. Default of auto is zero except in lists which get a start side padding of 45. (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Space between the top edge of the container and the text. Value is a Number or auto.

Legal values as a string are FormatValue.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT and numbers from -8000 to 8000.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of FormatValue.AUTO.

    public function get paddingTop():*
    public function set paddingTop(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the paragraph's end edge. Refers to the right edge in left-to-right text and the left edge in right-to-left text.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 8000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get paragraphEndIndent():*
    public function set paragraphEndIndent(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies the amount of space, in pixels, to leave after the paragraph. Collapses in tandem with paragraphSpaceBefore.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 8000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get paragraphSpaceAfter():*
    public function set paragraphSpaceAfter(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies the amount of space, in pixels, to leave before the paragraph. Collapses in tandem with paragraphSpaceAfter.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 8000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get paragraphSpaceBefore():*
    public function set paragraphSpaceBefore(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the paragraph's start edge. Refers to the left edge in left-to-right text and the right edge in right-to-left text.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 8000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get paragraphStartIndent():*
    public function set paragraphStartIndent(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property


parent:FlowGroupElement  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the parent of this FlowElement object. Every FlowElement has at most one parent.

    public function get parent():FlowGroupElement


parentRelativeEnd:int  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the relative end of this FlowElement object in the parent. If the parent is null this is always equal to textLength. If the parent is not null, the value is the sum of the text lengths of this and all previous siblings, which is effectively the first character in the next FlowElement object.

    public function get parentRelativeEnd():int

Related API Elements


parentRelativeStart:int  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the relative start of this FlowElement object in the parent. If parent is null, this value is always zero. If parent is not null, the value is the sum of the text lengths of all previous siblings.

    public function get parentRelativeStart():int

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The rendering mode used for this text. Applies only to embedded fonts (fontLookup property is set to FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF).

Legal values are RenderingMode.NORMAL, RenderingMode.CFF, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of RenderingMode.CFF.

    public function get renderingMode():*
    public function set renderingMode(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Assigns an identifying class to the element, making it possible to set a style for the element by referencing the styleName.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of null.

    public function get styleName():*
    public function set styleName(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property


styles:Object  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the styles on this FlowElement. Note that the getter makes a copy of the styles dictionary. The returned object encapsulates all styles set in the format property including core and user styles. The returned object consists of an array of stylename-value pairs.

    public function get styles():Object

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the tab stops associated with the paragraph. Setters can take an array of TabStopFormat, a condensed string representation, undefined, or FormatValue.INHERIT. The condensed string representation is always converted into an array of TabStopFormat.

The string-based format is a list of tab stops, where each tab stop is delimited by one or more spaces.

A tab stop takes the following form: <alignment type><alignment position>|<alignment token>.

The alignment type is a single character, and can be S, E, C, or D (or lower-case equivalents). S or s for start, E or e for end, C or c for center, D or d for decimal. The alignment type is optional, and if its not specified will default to S.

The alignment position is a Number, and is specified according to FXG spec for Numbers (decimal or scientific notation). The alignment position is required.

The vertical bar is used to separate the alignment position from the alignment token, and should only be present if the alignment token is present.

The alignment token is optional if the alignment type is D, and should not be present if the alignment type is anything other than D. The alignment token may be any sequence of characters terminated by the space that ends the tab stop (for the last tab stop, the terminating space is optional; end of alignment token is implied). A space may be part of the alignment token if it is escaped with a backslash (\ ). A backslash may be part of the alignment token if it is escaped with another backslash (\\). If the alignment type is D, and the alignment token is not specified, it will take on the default value of null.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of null.

    public function get tabStops():*
    public function set tabStops(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Alignment of lines in the paragraph relative to the container. TextAlign.LEFT aligns lines along the left edge of the container. TextAlign.RIGHT aligns on the right edge. TextAlign.CENTER positions the line equidistant from the left and right edges. TextAlign.JUSTIFY spreads the lines out so they fill the space. TextAlign.START is equivalent to setting left in left-to-right text, or right in right-to-left text. TextAlign.END is equivalent to setting right in left-to-right text, or left in right-to-left text.

Legal values are TextAlign.LEFT, TextAlign.RIGHT, TextAlign.CENTER, TextAlign.JUSTIFY, TextAlign.START, TextAlign.END, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextAlign.START.

    public function get textAlign():*
    public function set textAlign(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Alignment of the last (or only) line in the paragraph relative to the container in justified text. If textAlign is set to TextAlign.JUSTIFY, textAlignLast specifies how the last line (or only line, if this is a one line block) is aligned. Values are similar to textAlign.

Legal values are TextAlign.LEFT, TextAlign.RIGHT, TextAlign.CENTER, TextAlign.JUSTIFY, TextAlign.START, TextAlign.END, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextAlign.START.

    public function get textAlignLast():*
    public function set textAlignLast(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Alpha (transparency) value for the text. A value of 0 is fully transparent, and a value of 1 is fully opaque. Display objects with textAlpha set to 0 are active, even though they are invisible.

Legal values are numbers from 0 to 1 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 1.

    public function get textAlpha():*
    public function set textAlpha(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Decoration on text. Use to apply underlining; default is none.

Legal values are TextDecoration.NONE, TextDecoration.UNDERLINE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextDecoration.NONE.

    public function get textDecoration():*
    public function set textDecoration(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: A Number that specifies, in pixels, the amount to indent the first line of the paragraph. A negative indent will push the line into the margin, and possibly out of the container.

Legal values are numbers from -8000 to 8000 and FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get textIndent():*
    public function set textIndent(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies options for justifying text. Default value is TextJustify.INTER_WORD, meaning that extra space is added to the space characters. TextJustify.DISTRIBUTE adds extra space to space characters and between individual letters. Used only in conjunction with a justificationRule value of JustificationRule.SPACE.

Legal values are TextJustify.INTER_WORD, TextJustify.DISTRIBUTE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextJustify.INTER_WORD.

    public function get textJustify():*
    public function set textJustify(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements


textLength:int  [read-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the total length of text owned by this FlowElement object and its children. If an element has no text, the value of textLength is usually zero.

ParagraphElement objects have a final span with a paragraph terminator character for the last SpanElement object.The paragraph terminator is included in the value of the textLength of that SpanElement object and all its parents. It is not included in text property of the SpanElement object.

    public function get textLength():int

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Determines the number of degrees to rotate this text.

Legal values are TextRotation.ROTATE_0, TextRotation.ROTATE_180, TextRotation.ROTATE_270, TextRotation.ROTATE_90, TextRotation.AUTO, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TextRotation.AUTO.

    public function get textRotation():*
    public function set textRotation(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements


tracking:Object  [write-only]

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Sets the tracking and is synonymous with the trackingRight property. Specified as a number of pixels or a percent of fontSize.

    public function set tracking(value:Object):void

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Number in pixels (or percent of fontSize, like 120%) indicating the amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the left of each character. If kerning is enabled, the trackingLeft value is added to the values in the kerning table for the font. If kerning is disabled, the trackingLeft value is used as a manual kerning value. Supports both positive and negative values.

Legal values as a number are from -1000 to 1000.

Legal values as a percent are numbers from -1000% to 1000%.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get trackingLeft():*
    public function set trackingLeft(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Number in pixels (or percent of fontSize, like 120%) indicating the amount of tracking (manual kerning) to be applied to the right of each character. If kerning is enabled, the trackingRight value is added to the values in the kerning table for the font. If kerning is disabled, the trackingRight value is used as a manual kerning value. Supports both positive and negative values.

Legal values as a number are from -1000 to 1000.

Legal values as a percent are numbers from -1000% to 1000%.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 0.

    public function get trackingRight():*
    public function set trackingRight(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Each FlowElement has a typeName. typeName defaults to the string the textLayoutFormat TextConverter uses. This API can be used to set a different typeName to a FlowElement. Typically this is done to support type selectors in CSS.

See the TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT documentation for how this used..

    public function get typeName():String
    public function set typeName(value:String):void

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: The type of typographic case used for this text. Here are some examples:


Legal values are TLFTypographicCase.DEFAULT, TLFTypographicCase.CAPS_TO_SMALL_CAPS, TLFTypographicCase.UPPERCASE, TLFTypographicCase.LOWERCASE, TLFTypographicCase.LOWERCASE_TO_SMALL_CAPS, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of TLFTypographicCase.DEFAULT.

    public function get typographicCase():*
    public function set typographicCase(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Allows you to read and write user styles on a FlowElement object. Note that reading this property makes a copy of the userStyles set in the format of this element.

    public function get userStyles():Object
    public function set userStyles(value:Object):void



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Vertical alignment or justification (adopts default value if undefined during cascade). Determines how TextFlow elements align within the container.

Legal values are VerticalAlign.TOP, VerticalAlign.MIDDLE, VerticalAlign.BOTTOM, VerticalAlign.JUSTIFY, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will have a value of VerticalAlign.TOP.

    public function get verticalAlign():*
    public function set verticalAlign(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Collapses or preserves whitespace when importing text into a TextFlow. WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE retains all whitespace characters. WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE removes newlines, tabs, and leading or trailing spaces within a block of imported text. Line break tags () and Unicode line separator characters are retained.

Legal values are WhiteSpaceCollapse.PRESERVE, WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE, FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of WhiteSpaceCollapse.COLLAPSE.

    public function get whiteSpaceCollapse():*
    public function set whiteSpaceCollapse(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property

Related API Elements



Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

TextLayoutFormat: Specifies the optimum, minimum, and maximum spacing (as a multiplier of the width of a normal space) between words to use during justification. The optimum space is used to indicate the desired size of a space, as a fraction of the value defined in the font. The minimum and maximum values are the used when textJustify is distribute to determine how wide or narrow the spaces between the words may grow before letter spacing is used to justify the line.

Legal values as a percent are numbers from -1000% to 1000%.

Legal values include FormatValue.INHERIT.

Default value is undefined indicating not set.

If undefined during the cascade this property will inherit its value from an ancestor. If no ancestor has set this property, it will have a value of 100%, 50%, 150%.

    public function get wordSpacing():*
    public function set wordSpacing(value:any):void

RangeError — when set value is not within range for this property
Constructor Detail


public function FlowElement()

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Base class - invoking new FlowElement() throws an error exception.

Method Detail


public function clearStyle(styleProp:String):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Clears the style specified by the styleProp parameter from this FlowElement object. Sets the value to undefined.


styleProp:String — The name of the style to clear.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example shows that clearStyle() sets the value of a style to undefined but that an inherited value can still be applied to the style.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_clearStyleExample extends Sprite{    
        public function FlowElement_clearStyleExample()
            // create a container and a TextFlow object
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            // create a paragraph and set lineThrough style to true 
            var paragraph:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            paragraph.setStyle("color", 204);
            // create two spans of text
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span3:SpanElement = new SpanElement();            
            span1.text = "After calling clearStyle(), the value of color for span1 is: ";     
            span2.text = " but the value of span1.getStyle() for color is ";
            span3.text = " because getStyle() returns the inherited value that's applied to the style.";
            span1.clearStyle("color");        // undefined
            span1.text += span1.color;
            span2.text += span1.getStyle("color");    //204 
            // add controller, then update controller to display text
            var firstController:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200 );


public function deepCopy(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1):FlowElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Makes a deep copy of this FlowElement object, including any children, copying the content between the two specified character positions and returning the copy as a FlowElement object.

With no arguments, deepCopy() defaults to copying the entire element.


relativeStart:int (default = 0) — relative text position of the first character to copy. First position is 0.
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — relative text position of the last character to copy. A value of -1 indicates copy to end.

FlowElement — the object created by the deep copy operation.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example creates a second paragraph as a deep copy of the first one, starting at offset 3, and displays the result.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_deepCopyExample extends Sprite{    
        public function FlowElement_deepCopyExample()
            // create a container and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to the spans and spans to the paragraph
            span1.text = "Hello, ";
            span2.text = "World!";
            p.fontSize = 48;
            // make a deep copy of paragraph p, starting at relative offset 3; copy to end
            var p2:ParagraphElement = p.deepCopy(3, -1) as ParagraphElement; 
            // add copied paragraph (p2) to textflow; add composer and controller 
            // and update controller to display text
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200 );
            textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers();    // 'lo, World!'


public function equalUserStyles(otherElement:FlowElement):Boolean

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Compare the userStyles of this with otherElement's userStyles.


otherElement:FlowElement — the FlowElement object with which to compare user styles

Boolean — true if the user styles are equal; false otherwise.

Related API Elements


public function getAbsoluteStart():int

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the start location of the element in the text flow as an absolute index. The first character in the flow is position 0.

int — The index of the start of the element from the start of the TextFlow object.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example uses two SpanElement objects to create a paragraph and calls span2.getAbsoluteStart() to obtain the starting position of span2.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getAbsoluteStartExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getAbsoluteStartExample()
            // create a container and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to the spans, spans to the paragraph, and paragraph to the text flow
            span1.text = "The start of span2 ";
            span2.text = "in this paragraph is at index: ";
            p.fontSize = 20;
            // find the starting position of span2 and update controller to display text
            span2.text += span2.getAbsoluteStart();  // 19
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200 );


public function getCharAtPosition(relativePosition:int):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the character at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement object. The first character is at relative position 0.


relativePosition:int — The relative position of the character in this FlowElement object.

String — String containing the character.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example returns the character at relative position 27 in a SpanElement.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getCharAtPositionExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getCharAtPositionExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController( container, 400, 200 );
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            //create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to the two spans, calling getCharAtPosition() to return the
            // character at relative position 27 in the first span
            span1.text = "The character at offset 27 in this paragraph is: ";
            span2.text =  span1.getCharAtPosition(27) + ".";    // i
            // add spans to paragraph p   
            // add paragraph p to text flow and update controller to display it
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function getCharCodeAtPosition(relativePosition:int):int

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the character code at the specified position, relative to this FlowElement. The first character is at relative position 0.


relativePosition:int — The relative position of the character in this FlowElement object.

int — the Unicode value for the character at the specified position.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example returns the character code of the character at relative position 16 of a SpanElement.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getCharCodeAtPositionExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getCharCodeAtPositionExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController( container, 400, 200 );
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            //create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to spans; use getCharCodeAtPosition() to add char code from pos. 16
            // of span1
            span1.text = "The character code at offset 16 in this paragraph is: ";
            span2.text =  String(span1.getCharCodeAtPosition(16)) + ".";    // 100 (d)
            // add spans to paragraph p   
            // add paragraph p to text flow and update controller to display it
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function getElementRelativeStart(ancestorElement:FlowElement):int

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the start of this element relative to an ancestor element. Assumes that the ancestor element is in the parent chain. If the ancestor element is the parent, this is the same as this.parentRelativeStart. If the ancestor element is the grandparent, this is the same as parentRelativeStart plus parent.parentRelativeStart and so on.


ancestorElement:FlowElement — The element from which you want to find the relative start of this element.

int — the offset of this element.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example calls getElementRelativeStart() to determine the relative starting position of a link within a paragraph.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getElementRelativeStartExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getElementRelativeStartExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController( container, 400, 200 );
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            //create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, SpanElement, and LinkElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span3:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to first two spans
            span1.text = "The relative start of the link SpanElement (";
            span2.text =  ") in this paragraph is at position ";
            // create link span, add text and corresponding URL and add to link
            var linkSpan:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            linkSpan.text = "Adobe's website";
            link.href = "";
            // add first span, link, and second span to paragraph p   
            // call getElementRelativeStart() to get start of linkSpan and add to span 3
            span3.text = String(linkSpan.getElementRelativeStart(p)) + ".";  // 44.
            // add paragraph p to text flow and update controller to display it
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function getNextSibling():FlowElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the next FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.

FlowElement — the next FlowElement object of the same type, or null if there is no sibling.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example uses two SpanElement objects to display Hello World and sets the result of span2.getNextSibling() to red.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getNextSiblingExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getNextSiblingExample()
            // create a container and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var nextSpanElement:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text, set font size, add spans to paragraph, add paragraph to text flow
            span1.text = "Hello, ";
            span2.text = "World!";
            p.fontSize = 48;
            // get next SpanElement for span1 and set its color to red; display text
            nextSpanElement = SpanElement(span1.getNextSibling());
            nextSpanElement.color = 0xCC0000;
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(this,stage.stageWidth,stage.stageHeight));


public function getParagraph():ParagraphElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the ParagraphElement object associated with this element. It looks up the text flow hierarchy and returns the first ParagraphElement object.

ParagraphElement — the ParagraphElement object that's associated with this FlowElement object.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example uses getParagraph() to return the ParagraphElement for a LinkElement object.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getParagraphExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getParagraphExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController( container, 400, 200 );
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            //create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, SpanElement, and LinkElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to first span
            span1.text = "Text that includes a link to ";
            // create link span, add text and corresponding URL and add to link
            var linkSpan:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            linkSpan.text = "Adobe's website";
            link.href = "";
            // add text to second span and add spans and link to paragraph p
            span2.text = ". Notice that paragraph p2 is identical to paragraph p."; 
            // call getParagraph() to retrieve paragaph for LinkElement 
            var p2:ParagraphElement = link.getParagraph();
            // add paragraph p2 to the text flow and display it
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function getPreviousSibling():FlowElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the previous FlowElement sibling in the text flow hierarchy.

FlowElement — the previous FlowElement object of the same type, or null if there is no previous sibling.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example uses two SpanElement objects to display Hello World and sets the result of span2.getPreviousSibling() to red.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getPreviousSiblingExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getPreviousSiblingExample()
            // create a container and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var prevSpanElement:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text, set font size, add spans to paragraph, add paragraph to text flow
            span1.text = "Hello, ";
            span2.text = "World!";
            p.fontSize = 48;
            // get previous SpanElement for span2 and set its color to red; display text
            prevSpanElement = SpanElement(span2.getPreviousSibling());
            prevSpanElement.color = 0xCC0000;
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(this,400,200));


public function getStyle(styleProp:String):*

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Returns the value of the style specified by the styleProp parameter, which specifies the style name and can include any user style name. Accesses an existing span, paragraph, text flow, or container style. Searches the parent tree if the style's value is undefined on a particular element.


styleProp:String — The name of the style whose value is to be retrieved.

* — The value of the specified style. The type varies depending on the type of the style being accessed. Returns undefined if the style is not set.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example calls getStyle() to determine whether the lineThrough style is applied to a span.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getStyleExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getStyleExample()
            // create a container and a TextFlow object
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            // create a paragraph and set lineThrough style to true 
            var paragraph:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            paragraph.setStyle("lineThrough", true);
            // create two spans of text
            var p1Span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var p1Span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();            
            p1Span1.text = "It was a dark and stormy night. ";
            p1Span2.text = "The quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog.";
            // call getStyle() for 1st span to see if lineThrough is on
            if(p1Span1.getStyle("lineThrough") == true)
                p1Span1.setStyle("lineThrough", false)    // if so, turn it off for this span
            // add composer and controller, then update controller to display text
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200 );


public function getText(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1, paragraphSeparator:String = " "):String

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Gets the specified range of text from a flow element.


relativeStart:int (default = 0) — The starting position of the range of text to be retrieved, relative to the start of the FlowElement
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — The ending position of the range of text to be retrieved, relative to the start of the FlowElement, -1 for up to the end of the element
paragraphSeparator:String (default = " ") — character to put between paragraphs

String — The requested text.


public function getTextFlow():flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Climbs the text flow hierarchy to return the root TextFlow object for the element.

flashx.textLayout.elements:TextFlow — The root TextFlow object for this FlowElement object.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example uses getTextFlow() with a LinkElement object to return its root TextFlow.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.LinkElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_getTextFlowExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_getTextFlowExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 400, 200);
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            //create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, SpanElement, and LinkElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var link:LinkElement = new LinkElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to first span
            span1.text = "Text that includes a link to ";
            // create link span, add text and corresponding URL and add to link
            var linkSpan:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            linkSpan.text = "Adobe's website";
            link.href = "";
            // add text to second span, add spans and link to paragraph p, and
            // add paragraph p to textFlow
            span2.text = ". Notice that textFlow2 is identical to textFlow."; 
            // use getTextFlow() with LinkElement to return its TextFlow; update controller
            // and display it
            var textFlow2:TextFlow = link.getTextFlow();     
            textFlow2.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function initialized(document:Object, id:String):void

Called for MXML objects after the implementing object has been created and all component properties specified on the MXML tag have been initialized.


document:Object — The MXML document that created the object.
id:String — The identifier used by document to refer to this object.


public function setStyle(styleProp:String, newValue:*):void

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Sets the style specified by the styleProp parameter to the value specified by the newValue parameter. You can set a span, paragraph, text flow, or container style, including any user name-value pair.

Note: If you assign a custom style, Text Layout Framework can import and export it but compiled MXML cannot support it.


styleProp:String — The name of the style to set.
newValue:* — The value to which to set the style.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example calls setStyle() to set the color on a span and to set the font style for the text flow to italic.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.engine.FontPosture;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_setStyleExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_setStyleExample()
            // create a container and a controller for it and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController( container, 400, 200 );
            this.stage.addChild( container );
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to the spans
            span1.text = "Hello, ";
            span2.text = "World!";
            // set the color style for span2 and add spans to paragraph p
            span2.setStyle("color", 0xCC0000);
            // add paragraph to text flow, set fontStyle for the text flow to italic,
            // and update controller to display the paragraph
            textFlow.setStyle("fontStyle", FontPosture.ITALIC);
            textFlow.flowComposer.addController( controller );                               


public function shallowCopy(relativeStart:int = 0, relativeEnd:int = -1):FlowElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Makes a copy of this FlowElement object, copying the content between two specified character positions. It returns the copy as a new FlowElement object. Unlike deepCopy(), shallowCopy() does not copy any of the children of this FlowElement object.

With no arguments, shallowCopy() defaults to copying all of the content.


relativeStart:int (default = 0) — The relative text position of the first character to copy. First position is 0.
relativeEnd:int (default = -1) — The relative text position of the last character to copy. A value of -1 indicates copy to end.

FlowElement — the object created by the copy operation.

Related API Elements

Example  ( How to use this example )

This example creates a second paragraph as a shallow copy of the first one and shows that the new paragraph has no children.
package flashx.textLayout.elements.examples {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.ParagraphElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.SpanElement;
    import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
    public class FlowElement_shallowCopyExample extends Sprite
        public function FlowElement_shallowCopyExample()
            // create a container and add it to the stage
            var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
            // create TextFlow, ParagraphElement, and SpanElement objects
            var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
            var p:ParagraphElement = new ParagraphElement();
            var span1:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span2:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            var span3:SpanElement = new SpanElement();
            // add text to the spans, spans to the paragraph
            span1.text = "paragraph2 has  ";
            span3.text = " children, so it would display nothing."
            p.fontSize = 20;
            // create paragraph p2 as a shallow copy of paragraph p
            var p2:ParagraphElement = p.shallowCopy(3, -1) as ParagraphElement; 
            // add the number of children that p2 has to span2 for paragraph p
            span2.text += p2.numChildren;    // 0
            // add paragraph p to textFlow and update controller to display it
            var controller:ContainerController = new ContainerController(container, 200, 200 );


public function splitAtPosition(relativePosition:int):FlowElement

Language Version: ActionScript 3.0
Runtime Versions: Flash Player 10, AIR 1.5

Splits this FlowElement object at the position specified by the relativePosition parameter, which is a relative position in the text for this element. This method splits only SpanElement and FlowGroupElement objects.


relativePosition:int — the position at which to split the content of the original object, with the first position being 0.

FlowElement — the new object, which contains the content of the original object, starting at the specified position.

RangeError — if relativePosition is greater than textLength, or less than 0.