The fl.managers package contains classes that manage the relationship between a component and a user. Some manager classes manage state, for example the FocusManager class; others manage style, for example the StyleManager class. Interfaces that assist manager classes can also be found in this package. An example of these is the IFocusManagerComponent interface, which all components must implement.
| Interface | Description |
| IFocusManager |
Implement the IFocusManager interface to create a custom focus manager. |
| IFocusManagerComponent |
The IFocusManagerComponent interface provides methods and properties
that give components the capability to receive focus. |
| IFocusManagerGroup |
The IFocusManagerGroup interface provides properties that are used
to manage a set of components of which only one can be selected
at a time. |
| Class | Description |
| FocusManager |
The FocusManager class manages focus for a set of components that are navigated by mouse
or keyboard as a tab loop. |
| StyleManager |
The StyleManager class provides static methods that can be used to get and
set styles for a component instance, an entire component type, or all user
interface components in a Flash document. |
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Wed Nov 21 2018, 06:57 AM -08:00