Package com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.query

The com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.query package provides service client classes for the Query service.


Interface Summary
Assignment An Assignment object contains assignment data related to a task.
DateFilter A DateFilter object is used to sort according to date ranges.
MultiTypeVariable A MultiTypeVariable object contains a process variable.
ProcessInstanceRow A ProcessInstanceRow object contains a row of data pertaining to a particular process instance.
ProcessRow A ProcessRow object contains a row of data pertaining to a particular process.
SortOrder The <SortOrder> object is used to set sort criteria on certain query operations.
StatusFilter A StatusFilter object is a collection of status filters on which to base searches.
TaskFilter A TaskFilter is a configurable filter object.
TaskRow A TaskRow object contains information pertaining to a single task.

Class Summary
ProcessSearchFilter A filter object to be used by the TaskManagerQueryService.processSearch() method.
TaskRowUIOptions Provides information about the Workbench tools that appear when users open forms in the task.
TaskSearchFilter A filter object to be used by the TaskManagerQueryService.taskSearch() method.
TaskSearchingConstants Contains constants used when searching tasks.

Exception Summary
TaskQueryServiceException An exception thrown from the Task Query Service.

Package com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.query Description

The com.adobe.idp.taskmanager.dsc.client.query package provides service client classes for the Query service.

You can use this package to create Java client applications that interact with the Query Service. This package enables you to implement, in your custom applications, the functionality that this service provides.

The query service package contains a series of query-based methods used to retrieve task related data. The methods range from specific to flexible in their ability to query data. This package provides methods to retrieve process data that relates to a specific user, process variables, a list of tasks in which a user can participate, and the assignment history of a task, as well as a more generic query mechanism that can filter on attributes and create custom result sets. This package also provides filtered methods that enable you to sort and limit the size of result sets.

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