Interface TaskFilter

All Superinterfaces:

public interface TaskFilter

A TaskFilter is a configurable filter object. This object permits the user to search for a collection of tasks using one or more user identifiers, paging, sort order, and claimable filters.

Searching can be done using one or more of the TaskFilter methods. Using more than one method implies a logical AND between set search criteria.

This class includes factory methods for the creation of SortOrder and StatusFilter objects.

Method Summary
 void claimableTasks(boolean claimable)
          Sets a claimable flag.
 java.util.List getGroupQueueIdList()
          Returns a list of group queue identifiers.
 java.util.List getQueueIdList()
          Returns a list of user queue identifiers.
 SortOrder getSort()
          Retrieves the sort list set in the current filter object.
 java.util.List getSortList()
          Returns the current list of sort objects added to the taskFilter object.
 java.util.List getUserIdList()
          Return a list of user identifers
 boolean isClaimable()
          Retrieves a boolean value, indicating if the claimable flag has been set.
 boolean isIncludeCommonVariables()
          Retrieves a boolean value, indicating if common process variables should be included in the results.
 DateFilter newDateFilter(java.lang.String attribute)
          Factory method for creating a new DateFilter object.
 SortOrder newSortOrder()
          Factory method for creating a new SortOrder object.
 StatusFilter newStatusFilter()
          Factory method for creating a new StatusFilter object.
 void setClaimable(boolean claimable)
          Sets a claimable flag.
 void setDateFilter(DateFilter filter)
          Sets a date filter.
 void setGroupQueueId(long groupQueueId)
          Adds a group queue identifier to the search criteria.
 void setGroupQueueIdList(java.util.List groupQueueIdList)
          Adds one or more group queue identifier to the search criteria.
 void setIncludeCommonVariables(boolean includeCommonVariables)
          Sets an indicator to determine if common process variables should be included in the results.
 void setMaxRows(int maxRows)
          Sets the maximum number of rows to be included in the result set.
 void setOffset(int offset)
          Sets an offset value from which to select a section of the result set.
 void setProcessName(java.lang.String processName)
          sets a process to return tasks for.
 void setQueueId(long queueId)
          Adds a queue identifier to the search criteria.
 void setQueueIdList(java.util.List queueIdList)
          Adds one or more user queue identifiers to the search criteria.
 void setSort(SortOrder sort)
          Sets the sort order for the current filter object.
 void setSortList(java.util.List sortList)
          Sets the sort order in the task filter for the task search query.
 void setSortOrder(SortOrder sort)
          Sets the sort order for the result set.
 void setStatusFiltering(StatusFilter sts)
          Sets a status filter.
 void setTaskId(long taskId)
          Adds a task identifier to the search criteria.
 void setUserId(java.lang.String userId)
          Adds a user identifier to the search criteria.
 void setUserIdList(java.util.List userIdList)
          Adds one or more user identifiers to the search criteria.
 void showHiddenTask(boolean showHidden)
          Includes hidden (non-visible) tasks in the result set.

Method Detail


void setTaskId(long taskId)
Adds a task identifier to the search criteria.

taskId - The identifier to search for.


void setOffset(int offset)
Sets an offset value from which to select a section of the result set.

offset - The zero-based starting point of the result set.


void setMaxRows(int maxRows)
Sets the maximum number of rows to be included in the result set.

maxRows - The maximum number of rows to be included in the result set.


void setSortOrder(SortOrder sort)
Sets the sort order for the result set.

sort - A SortOrder object containing the sort order for the result set. Sorting can be applied to a maximum of two columns, in ascending or descending order.


SortOrder newSortOrder()
Factory method for creating a new SortOrder object.

The newly created SortOrder object.


void setQueueId(long queueId)
Adds a queue identifier to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every queue identifier for which the current user performing the search has permissions to view. In this case, the current user must have an ACL associated with the tasks in the queue being searched.

You can set only the queue identifier, the group identifier, or the user identifier exclusively. Attempting to set more than one type of identifier will result in the last value overwriting any previously set identifier lists.

queueId - A single queue identifier.


void setStatusFiltering(StatusFilter sts)
Sets a status filter. This provides a means of searching on one of the many status values a task can have.

sts - A StatusFilter object that is used to set a task's status as a search criterion.


StatusFilter newStatusFilter()
Factory method for creating a new StatusFilter object.

The newly created StatusFilter object.


DateFilter newDateFilter(java.lang.String attribute)
Factory method for creating a new DateFilter object.

attribute - A data attribute as specified in the documentation.
The newly created DateFilter object.


void setDateFilter(DateFilter filter)
Sets a date filter. This provides a means of searching on date ranges.

filter - A DateFilter object containing a date range on which to filter.


java.util.List getQueueIdList()
Returns a list of user queue identifiers.

A list of java.lang.Long objects containing queue identifiers.


void setQueueIdList(java.util.List queueIdList)
Adds one or more user queue identifiers to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every queue identifier for which the current user performing the search has permissions to view. In this case, the current user must have an ACL associated with the tasks in the queue being searched.

queueIdList - A list of java.lang.Long objects containing user queue identifiers.


java.util.List getUserIdList()
Return a list of user identifers

A list of java.lang.String objects containing user identifiers.


void setUserIdList(java.util.List userIdList)
Adds one or more user identifiers to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every user for which the current user performing the search has permissions to view. In this case, the current user must have an ACL associated with the tasks in the queues being searched.

userIdList - A list of java.lang.String objects containing user identifiers.


java.util.List getGroupQueueIdList()
Returns a list of group queue identifiers.

a list of java.lang.Long objects containing group queue identifiers.


void setGroupQueueIdList(java.util.List groupQueueIdList)
Adds one or more group queue identifier to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every group queue to which the user belongs.

groupQueueIdList - A list of java.lang.Long objects containing group queue identifiers.


void setUserId(java.lang.String userId)
Adds a user identifier to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every user for which the current user performing the search has permissions to view. In this case, the current user must have an ACL associated with the tasks in the queues being searched.

userId - A single user identifier.


void setGroupQueueId(long groupQueueId)
Adds a group queue identifier to the search criteria. Results will be returned for every group queue to which the user belongs.

groupQueueId - A group queue identifier.


void claimableTasks(boolean claimable)
Sets a claimable flag. This can be used on its own to find all tasks that the current user can claim, or it can be used with other filters to refine the search.

claimable - true for claimable tasks, false otherwise.


void showHiddenTask(boolean showHidden)
Includes hidden (non-visible) tasks in the result set. By default, only visible tasks can be retrieved in a result set.

showHidden - true to show hidden tasks in the result set, false otherwise.


SortOrder getSort()
Retrieves the sort list set in the current filter object. It returns null if nothing has been set.

The sortOrder SortOrder object associated with this filter.


void setSort(SortOrder sort)
Sets the sort order for the current filter object.

sort - SortOrder object used to set sorting through the task filter object.


boolean isClaimable()
Retrieves a boolean value, indicating if the claimable flag has been set.

true the claimable flag has been set, false otherwise.


void setClaimable(boolean claimable)
Sets a claimable flag. This can be used on its own to find all tasks that the current user can claim, or it can be used with other filters to refine the search.

claimable - true for claimable tasks, false otherwise.


boolean isIncludeCommonVariables()
Retrieves a boolean value, indicating if common process variables should be included in the results.

true if the common process variables should be included in the results.


void setIncludeCommonVariables(boolean includeCommonVariables)
Sets an indicator to determine if common process variables should be included in the results.

commonVariables - true to include common process variables with each task.


java.util.List getSortList()
Returns the current list of sort objects added to the taskFilter object. It returns null if no sort objects have been added.

A list of Sort objects.


void setSortList(java.util.List sortList)
Sets the sort order in the task filter for the task search query.

sortList - a list of Sort objects.


void setProcessName(java.lang.String processName)
sets a process to return tasks for.

processName - the process name

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