2 Before You Install

2.1 Workbench installation overview

Workbench is an integrated development environment (IDE) that developers and form authors use to create automated business processes and forms. It is also used to manage the resources and services that the processes and forms use.

The following illustration depicts the Workbench installation including:

  • Process Design using Workbench

  • Form Design using Designer

Note: The AEM Forms server requires a separate installation program. For more information refer to the AEM Forms on JEE installation documentation.

2.2 System prerequisites

This section outlines the hardware and software requirements and supported platforms.

2.2.1 Minimum hardware and software requirements


The following requirements are recommended as the minimum:

  • Disk space for installation:

    • 680 MB for Workbench only

    • 2.15 GB on a single drive for a full installation of Workbench, Designer, and the samples assembly

    • 400 MB for temporary install directories - 200 MB in the user \temp directory and 200 MB in the Windows temporary directory

    Note: If all of these locations reside on a single drive, there must be 1.5 GB of space available during installation. The files copied to the temporary directories are deleted when installation is complete.
  • Hardware requirement: Intel® Pentium® 4 or AMD equivalent, 1 GHz processor.

  • Download and install the latest version of Adobe AIR (from http://www.adobe.com) required for Community Help Client, integrated with Workbench.

  • Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) 6.0 update 22 or later updates to 6.0 *New for 10*

  • Minimum1024 X 768 pixels or greater monitor resolution with 16-bit color or higher

  • TCP/IPv4 or TCP/IPv6 network connection to the AEM Forms server

Note: If you have Adobe® Acrobat® X installed on your machine, ensure that you uninstall it before installing Workbench. You can reinstall Acrobat after installing Workbench.
Note: You must have Administrative privileges to install Workbench. If you are installing using a non-administrator account, the installer will prompt you for the credentials for an appropriate account.

2.2.2 Supported platforms

See the complete list of supported platforms for Workbench at AEM Forms Supported Platforms.

2.3 Designer installation considerations

By default, the Workbench installation includes a corresponding English-only version of Designer. If the Workbench installation application detects an existing version of Designer on your computer, the installation may terminate and you will be required to remove the current version of Designer before you can continue.

The table below has a complete list of possible Designer installation scenarios that you may encounter, as well as any actions you must take, when installing Workbench.

Version of Designer currently installed

Required actions

Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended (includes Designer)

None. The Workbench installation detects an instance of Designer on your computer that was installed with either Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended.

Different versions of Designer can coexist on the same system, for example Designer 8.2.x and 9.0.x. It is not necessary to uninstall the version of Designer installed with Acrobat 10 Pro or Acrobat 10 Pro Extended.

Designer (stand-alone)

None. The version of Designer included with Workbench is English-only. The Workbench installer will not reinstall a new version of Designer. Instead an updated version, bundled with the Workbench installer, will be patched. This also allows you to use your localized version of Designer within Workbench.

2.3.1 To uninstall Designer (stand-alone):

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs .

  2. In the Currently installed programs list, select Adobe Designer .

  3. Click Remove and then click Yes .

2.3.2 To uninstall Designer (stand-alone) on Windows 7:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Programs and Features .

  2. In the Currently installed programs list, select Adobe Designer .

  3. Click Remove and then click Yes .

2.3.3 To uninstall Designer included with Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs .

  2. In the Currently installed programs list, select Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended .

  3. Click Change/Remove and then click Next .

  4. Select Modify , and then click Next .

  5. Select Adobe Designer , select This feature will not be available , and then click Next .

  6. Click Update and then click Finish .

2.3.4 To uninstall Designer included with Acrobat Pro or Acrobat Pro Extended in Windows 7:

  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Programs and Features .

  2. In the Currently installed programs list, select Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended .

  3. Click Change/Remove and then click Next .

  4. Select Modify , and then click Next .

  5. Select Adobe Designer , select This feature will not be available , and then click Next .

  6. Click Update and then click Finish .

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