3 Installing Workbench

3.1 Installing and running Workbench

This chapter describes how to install Workbench.

Before you install Workbench, you must ensure that your environment includes the software and hardware required to run it. (See 2 Before You Install .)

3.1.1 To install and run Workbench:

  1. Do one of these tasks:

    • Navigate to the \workbench directory on the install media and double click the run_windows_installer.bat file.

    • Download and decompress the Workbench to your file system. After it is downloaded, navigate to the \workbench directory and double click the run_windows_installer.bat file.

    Important: The Workbench installer only runs from a DVD or local drive. It cannot be run from a remote site.
    Note: If you encounter an error "Could not create the Java Virtual Machine", then create an environment variable named _JAVA_OPTIONS with value -Xmx512M and run the installer.
  2. On the Introduction screen, click Next .

  3. Read the Product License Agreement, select I accept the terms of the License Agreement , and then click Next .

  4. (Optional) Select Install Adobe Designer if you require this tool to create and modify forms.
    Note: You can continue to use Designer installed with Acrobat 10 by leaving this option deselected.
  5. Accept the default directory as listed, or click Choose and navigate to the directory where you will install Workbench, and then click Next .

    Note: The installation directory path should not contain # (pound) and $ (dollar) characters.
  6. Review the preinstallation summary and click Install . The installation program displays the progress of the installation.

  7. Review the installation summary. Select Start AEM Forms Workbench to launch Workbench and click Next .

  8. Review the Release Notes and click Done .

  9. The following items are now installed on your computer:

    • Workbench : To run Workbench from the Start menu, select All Programs > AEM Forms > Workbench , if you chose to store the shortcut folder there. For information , see the Using Workbench documentation.

    • Designer: You can access Designer from inside Workbench. For information, see Getting Started topic in Designer Help.

    • Workbench plug-in: Follow the instructions in 3.3 Installing the Workbench Eclipse feature .

    • AEM Forms SDK: For more information on using the SDK, see Programming with AEM Forms .

3.2 Upgrading processes

LiveCycle processes can be upgraded to AEM Forms applications using the Upgrade Wizard. See Upgrading legacy artifacts documentation in Workbench Help for more information.

3.3 Installing the Workbench Eclipse feature

You can optionally add the Workbench feature to Eclipse. You can add Workbench after you have installed Workbench. For example, for JBoss the following location contains the file:

  • Workbench_DVD/additional/eclipse

    Download and install Eclipse 3.6 from www.eclipse.org/downloads/.

3.3.1 Configuring Eclipse update feature for Workbench

Workbench supports the update feature to ensure you are using the most updated Eclipse version. However, you must ensure that certain additional modules are included with each download:

Eclipse Version

Workbench required modules

Eclipse 3.6.x

  • Graphical Editing Framework GEF [org.eclipse.gef.feature.group]: This is contained in the 'Graphical Modeling Framework SDK' [org.eclipse.gmf.sdk.feature.group]

  • WST XML Core [org.eclipse.wst.xml_core.feature.feature.group]: This is contained in the 'Eclipse XML Editors and Tools' [org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature.feature.group]

  • Plug-in 'org.apache.commons.lang_2.3.0' [n/a]: This is contained in the 'Mylyn Task List (Required)' [org.eclipse.mylyn_feature.feature.group] To install and deploy the Workbench feature to Eclipse:

  1. Start Eclipse.

  2. Select Help > Install New Software , click Add to open the Add Repository dialog.

  3. On the Add Repository dialog, click Local and browse to the directory where the Workbench installation saved the plug-in ZIP file, select workbench-updatesite.zip , and then click Open .

  4. Follow the instructions on the subsequent screens to deploy the Workbench feature to Eclipse.

    Note: Ignore the message "Warning: You are about to install an unsigned feature,” and click Install to continue.
The Adobe AEM Forms Discovery Plug-in for Flash Builder enables you to quickly build Adobe Flex and AIR applications that invoke a service that is part of AEM Forms through its remoting endpoints. Information about how to install and update the plug-in is available on the Adobe web site at www.adobe.com/go/learn_flex4_sdp_en .

3.4 Configuring and logging in to a server

To use Workbench, you must have an instance of AEM Forms running, typically on a separate computer. You must have a user name and password to log in to AEM Forms , as well as details about the location of the server.

Note: If you configured AEM Forms to use the EMC Documentum or IBM FileNet repository provider and you want to log in to a repository other than the repository that is configured as the default in AEM forms administration console, provide the user name as username @ Repository .

3.5 Configuring time-out settings

By default, Workbench times out after two hours, regardless of activity or inactivity. To edit the time-out setting, see “Configuring User Management > Configure advanced system attributes” in the administration console Help.

3.6 Configuring Workbench to connect over HTTPS

To connect Workbench to a AEM Forms server over HTTPS, you must ensure that the certificate authority (CA) that issued the public key will be recognized as being trusted by Workbench. If the certificate is not recognized as coming from a trusted source, you must update the cacert file located in the [Workbench_HOME]/workbench/jre/lib/security directory.

Note: [Workbench_HOME] represents the directory where you installed Workbench. The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe Experience Manager forms Workbench.

Ensure that you connect to HTTPS by using the name that is specified in the certificate. This name is typically the fully qualified host name.

3.6.1 To update the cacert file:

  1. Ensure that you have a copy of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. Either contact the administrator who configured the SSL server or export the certificate by using a web browser.

    To export the certificate, open a web browser and log in to administration console, install the certificate in the browser, then export the certificate from the browser to a temporary storage location (or directly to the [Workbench_HOME]/workbench/jre/lib/security directory).
  2. Copy the certificate to the [Workbench_HOME]/workbench/jre/lib/security directory.

  3. Open a command prompt window, navigate to [Workbench_HOME]/workbench/jre/bin, and then type the following command:

            keytool -import -storepass changeit -file [Workbench_HOME]\workbench\jre\lib\security\ssl_cert_for_certname.cer -keystore [Workbench_HOME]\workbench\jre\lib\security\cacerts -alias example


    • changeit is the default password to the cacerts keystore.

    • certname is the certificate you selected in step 1.

    • example is the alias you choose for the certificate. This value can be changed.

  4. When prompted to trust the certificate, type Yes and hit the Enter key. The keytool proceeds to import the cacerts file in to the [Workbench_HOME]/workbench/jre/lib/security directory.

  5. Close and restart Workbench for the changes to take affect.

3.7 Configuring cache settings for dynamically generated templates

The following aspects of cache operation should be considered if your application generates unique templates on the fly by automatically updating XFA content. In effect, each transaction uses a new, unique template.

When forms generator or output searches for, or updates, entries in the cache for a specific form template, it uses several key values to locate the specific cache entry that will be accessed.

  • Template file name : The location and filename of the template used as the primary unique identifier of the cached form.

  • Timestamp : The template file contains a timestamp used to determine the last update time of the form.

  • Template UUID : Designer inserts in each template a unique identifier (UUID) for the form and its version. Each time the form is updated, the embedded UUID is updated. For example, an XDP template might show the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <?xfa generator="AdobeAEM formsDesignerES_V8.2"

    APIVersion="2.6.7185.0"?><xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp=http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/


    uuid="823e538f-ff6c-4961-b759-f7626978a223"><template xmlns="http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa- template/2.6/">

  • Render options : Within the rendered form cache, the cache contents are stored separately for each set of unique render options.

The Forms service receives templates by reference to filename or repository location, or by value as a XML object in memory.

  • Templates passed by reference : Uses the content root and the form name. If unique templates with different filenames are passed in every request using this method, the disk cache will grow endlessly and will never be reused. To prevent this, unique templates should be passed with same filename to ensure that same cache is updated for all requests.

  • Templates passed by value : Uses template bytes passed along with the data using theinDataDoc parameter. If unique templates with different UUID are passed using this method, the disk cache will grow endlessly and will never be reused. To prevent this, the UUID attribute should be stripped from all templates to ensure that no cache is created for the template. Alternatively, passing the same non-null UUID allows the cache objects to be created, but ensures that the same cache is updated with each request.

As well, in order to prevent the cache from growing endlessly, consider the following factors for rendering dynamically generated templates using the new AEM Forms APIs, those being renderHTMLForm2 and renderPDFForm2 .

When using the new APIs, the template is passed as a document object, which is handled in the Forms service based on whether it is passivated or not:

For passivated documents in which the UUID and content root serve as the cache key, consider the following aspects:

  • The cache is not created for passivated input templates with no UUID.

  • If more than one passivated input template having the same UUID and content root are passed, then the same cache is overwritten.

For non-passivated documents in which the filename and content root serve as the cache key, consider the following aspect:

  • For non-passivated input templates, caching depends on the content root and filename from which the document was generated. The same cache will be used only for requests with the same content root and template filename.

    The following best practices will ensure that the cache does not grow endlessly when dynamically generated templates are passed to the Forms service:

    • Strip the UUID or pass the same UUID in all dynamically generated templates.

    • Generate the document either from template bytes or from the same filename on disk.

3.8 Uninstalling Workbench

Use the Add or Remove Programs function in the Control Panel to start the Uninstaller. The Workbench and Designer applications have separate uninstall programs.

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