You can set up Designer to identify spelling
errors as you type by selecting the Check Spelling While Typing
option in the Spelling panel of the Options dialog box.
When the Check Spelling While Typing option is selected, a wavy
red line appears under misspelled words in text objects, caption
fields, or the various fields in the Object and Accessibility palettes,
regardless of the options selected. You can use the options in the
Spell Check list to specify the type of text to spell check when you
use the Check Spelling dialog box.
When checking the spelling in a form, Designer always refers
to the internal dictionary and your custom dictionary (My Custom
Dictionary). You can also add other custom dictionary files (*.clam)
to expand the list of correctly spelled words to which Designer
refers. For more information, see
Adding a word to the list of ignored words
To see a list of the dictionaries you currently have available, select Tools > Options, and click Spelling. The Spelling panel displays a list of the installed dictionaries. Notice that My Custom Dictionary is selected at all times and cannot be removed.
Keep in the mind these other points when you check spelling as
you type:
When the Check Spelling While Typing option is selected,
a wavy red line appears under misspelled words in text objects and
caption fields only when the insertion point (vertical, flashing
bar used for entering text) is placed in or directly next to text.
You can change the color of the wavy underline by selecting
Tools > Options > Spelling > Wavy Underline Color.
You can quickly correct spelling errors by right-clicking
a misspelled word and selecting one of the suggested words from
the context menu. Designer displays a maximum of four alternate
spelling suggestions on the context menu for each misspelled word.
To see more than four suggestions, use the Check Spelling dialog
To set up Designer to identify spelling errors as you type
Select Tools > Options and, in the Spelling panel, select
Check Spelling While Typing.
To correct a spelling error while typing, place the insertion
point in or directly next to the underlined word, and right-click
and perform one of these actions:
To correct the misspelled
word, select one of suggested words in the context menu. If no spelling
suggestions are available for the misspelled word, the text
spelling suggestions
To add the word to My Custom Dictionary, select Add to Dictionary.
This selection adds the underlined word to all languages in the
dictionary. Designer no longer identifies the word as being misspelled.
To disregard all occurrences of the misspelled word, select
Ignore All. This selection adds the word to the list of ignored
words, and Designer temporarily does not identify the word as being
misspelled. All spell checks disregard the word until you restart
Designer. The list of ignored words is cleared each time Designer
is started.