Tab Order palette menu

The Tab Order palette menu displays commands for working with the Tab Order palette. You access this menu by clicking the palette menu button. You can also access the context menu for the Tab Order palette when you click the right mouse button.

Opens Designer Help and displays a description of the Tab Order palette.

Hide Palette
Hides the palette.

Adds a copy of the current selection to the clipboard.

Copies the contents of the clipboard above the current selection in the list.

Edit Tab Order
Makes the tab order number beside the selected object editable. You can then type a new tab order number for the object.

Move Up
Moves the selected item or multiple adjacent items one line up in the tabbing order.

Move Down
Moves the selected item or multiple adjacent items one line down in the tabbing order.

Move First
Moves the selected item or multiple adjacent items to the beginning in the tabbing order.

Move Last
Moves the selected item or multiple adjacent items to the end of the tabbing order.

Make Sequential
Creates sequential tabbing order for multiple nonadjacent items selected in the list.

Make Geographic
Creates left to right, top to bottom tabbing order for the selected multiple items.

Make Geographic Right to Left
Creates right to left, top to bottom tabbing order for the selected multiple items.

Show Fields Only
Displays tabbing order only for the input or display fields.

Show Visual Aids
When a mouse cursor hovers over a field, displays blue arrows indicating tabbing order for the two preceding and the two following fields.

// Ethnio survey code removed