Create a Guide with the wizard

Use the New Guide wizard to create a Guide.

  1. Start Workbench.

  2. Select File > New > Guide.

  3. Follow the instructions in the New Guide wizard.

New Guide

The New Guide screen is the first screen in the New Guide wizard. Specify the information below and click Next.

The name of the Guide is used as the filename. It appears in the Applications view in Workbench.

(Optional) A description of the Guide and its purpose.


Enter or select the parent folder
The folder within your LiveCycle application where the Guide is saved. If necessary, click New Folder to create a folder within the LiveCycle application.

Specify a Data Model

On the Specify A Data Model screen in the New Guide wizard, provide the data model information. The model can be an data model (FML), or it can be an XDP or PDF form created in Designer.

If the model includes a complex service, such as Amazon Web Services™, select the Generate Fully Qualified Package Name References option, so that the model compiles. Open the Data Model perspective and select Window > Show View > Properties. In the editor, click the background to display the model properties, and then select the Generate Fully Qualified Package Name References option.

When you use the wizard to create a Guide, select the data model and the root entity to base the Guide on. The selected root entity and its contents appear in the Data Model view.

Enter or select an asset:
Specifies the data model file (FML), XDP form, or PDF form to associate with the Guide. You can select a file from the list or type the path to the data model. The list displays only FML, XDP, or PDF files. If you select an XDP or PDF form, the Start With The Selected Guide option becomes available.
Lists the models on your local file system.

Lists the models on the LiveCycle Server that you are logged in to.

Data Model Root Node:
Specifies the entities or the subform that you can select as the root node. When the data model is an XDP or PDF form, this option lists the root subform in the form. The root subform becomes the root entity in the Data Model view. When the data model is an FML file, this option lists the entities that are defined as persistent. If the model includes several persistent entities, select the entity to use as the root for the model that is associated with the Guide. The contents of the root entity appear in the Data Model view, where you can drag them onto the editor or the Guide Tree view.

Use a precompiled data model:
You can compile an data model (FML) as an SWF file that is external to the Guide file. Using a precompiled data model enables multiple Guides to reference the same data model. The list displays any SWF files in your LiveCycle application.

The model can be customized by modifying the generated source code, and then precompiled as a SWF file. The list displays any SWF files in your LiveCycle application.

Start with an empty Guide:
Creates a new, empty Guide.

Start with the selected Guide:
Specifies the Guide to open. If the selected model is an XFA or PDF form created in Designer ES (version 8.x), it may contain a Guide. You can select any Guide that is embedded in the form and edit it in Workbench. If the form includes several Guides, select the one that you want to use.
  • Click Next to select or import a custom Guide layout.

  • Click Finish if you want to use the default Guide layout and style. You can select a different Guide layout and style in the Guide Properties view.

Style Selection

On the Style Selection screen in the New Guide wizard, specify a custom style for the Guide. Using a custom style enables you to apply a new look and feel to the Guide.

If you do not want to use a custom style, leave the options blank and click Finish. Workbench applies a default style to the Guide.

Select a custom style:
Lists the available style files that you can apply to your Guide. The list displays any SWF files in your LiveCycle application.

Enter or select the parent folder:
The folder within your LiveCycle application where the imported style is saved. If necessary, click New Folder to create a folder within the LiveCycle application.